
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Bogdan

  1. my list is purely based on 1vs1 performance(horizontal order doesnt matter)
  2. This is sand encouraging you to join your good friend bogdan in leaf with a brand new character
  3. Bogdan


    He's supposed to appeal, not you.
  4. 1. Take the rare items from banned accounts and put them up for auction in order to not completly remove them from the game( there's rare items that now are gone such as white dojo kimono i believe). 2.Make binded event items such as ''Golden Oni Mask'' go in your special items stash so once you reset you will be getting them back.
  5. check the clue again and post a ss
  6. In society you get jailed for breaking rules too.
  7. My condoleances for what happened, hope to see you back soon!(AS LEAFIE OFC)

  8. The balance team should be made off croations like ana primal and yamikami, just look at them.
  9. k, this time being serious, my halloween costume is KING OF DANGERZONES (this is the most atrocious thing i could come with, it definitely scares everyone looking at it!)
  10. The costume im rocking in this contest is Johnny Sins with purple hair.
  11. Bogdan


    here we go again
  12. Since tai damage got nerfed to the ground why not give burn 2 or burn 3 to this jutsu. It just makes sense giving it burn effect.
  13. remember that not only jutsus do knockback, there's weapons with 50% and 100% chance of knockbacking on hit! that's a free snare every less than 2 seconds!
  14. There's no depth added, it is a bug that has to be fixed and the only reason you don't want it to be changed is because you are one of the people that is constantly abusing it in order to land your combos. Snaring makes your enemy unable to move which means you are going to land your combo guarantee, I don't get where did you get this'' lot of practice'' from. Your enemy is blocked and you combo, that's all about it, this shouldn't happen.
  15. Currently, knockbacks snare and this allows players to free combo whenever they are landing a knockback. This has to be fixed
  16. What makes most of the nowdays MMORPGs suck is the fact that they make them finishable 100% solo. a real MMO forces you to team up in order to achieve things. MMORPGs that let you solo the entire game are in reality just single player games where you can chat with other people. You are going to have fun for a longer time the moment you face unbeatable mobs that you got to team up with 15 other people in order to beat them. The most important flavour that MMORPGs must give to the player is the one of having to interact with other people in order to beat it and this is something that, I have to admit, Nin managed to succeed with in a way or another.
  17. Bogdan


    it would make the game lag more if there would be more accessory slots
  18. certainly not Bogdan I need to mention that I promoted in the JCE that took place on 18th. I'm currently waiting to get my rank ingame, asked GMs and they said it is ok to register. EDIT: I just got my rank ingame aswell and also I want to publicly request a name swap between "certainly not Bogdan" and "Bogdan" for the sake of this village and whoever is trying to type my amazingly long name. This is my new main and i would be very thankful if I'll receive this name swap.