
Gold Ninja
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Jinsain last won the day on August 28 2021

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  1. Never one without the other
  2. all shit posting aside ainz made a good progression layer for snake lair cos the boss is criminally underused and needs balancing
  3. Instead of posting this you could be grinding snake venom from regular snakes till you unlock the second floor like the rest of us
  4. So after recent announcements a question has come up during discord banter instead of dealing with all the unpleasant circumstances that are going on why don't we all just start over keeping only stash account items but losing all inventory and lvls gained I thought It would be fun to see how many of you would vote for It. Anonymous voting poll closes at the 15/11/21
  5. While I agree nin could use more activity's to do id prefer them to be similar to raid points or random bosses out in the world or even final fantasy's fate system where theirs a group of mobs in an area for a limited time that drop an item with drop on death and you have to deliver it within a set time to a location so it becomes a game of tag something that can make an encounter between players out in the world with them dictating the outcome. See my draw to nin in the first place is that it is not like standard mmo games now days that use pressure tactics of compounding weekly bonus, loot boxes, season pass login bonus weekly bonus monthly bonus etc all in attempt to squeeze your time and puppet string you along and you will be asking yourself did I play the game or did the game play me. Now nin does have exp bonuses but its global based so it promotes player interaction it has dailies but theres only 3 which more often than not require team work then you have room to play how you see fit now nin has some red flags buying inventory space which can lead into a starwars scenario where you buy skill bars which is just ridiculous I also ain't a fan of the charm system which I've already made a post about prio Great mmos have fallen into the scheme of this make as much money as possible rather than make a long lasting immersive enjoyable world for its player base I hope it in its development process this does not come to pass.
  6. It's a simple feature but It would add a lot to how we alter our drip just by having another cosmetic item that puts the tattoo or the eye patch on the other eye heck one that even puts It on both eyes cos why not? I'm hoping such a feature gets put in sooner than later.
  7. I was upset while typing this so the grammar was poor and the wording was slightly heated my apologies *bows*
  8. I was left feeling pretty upset for myself and my fellow player over the charm system when he told me what he was doing with the ryo i gave him for blanks. He told me that he was resetting his entire account saving 500 ryo and going to roll on the fortune teller praying he gets the charms he wants so he can actually begin playing the game? Why is this system in your game? What am i gonna tell all the new players I'm trying to bring into the game that their accounts are inferior cos they rolled poorly one time at the fortune teller? People telling me I might as well just reset my char cos I didn't have the knowledge and foresight to know this when I began playing your game? Why can they not just be traded by players to make this system interactive for players an just increase the price of them to accommodate that? Why can you just not re roll the fortune teller once a week or something its not like you don't do that thousands of times over with scrolls? Currently everything in the game power wise to my knowledge can be gained with effort, social interaction and time while playing the game this however actively makes you not want to play the game while you re roll this to your charm of preference its disrespectful of players time to have fun in your game. I do hope you consider changing it in the future.