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  1. Yah this do be how it is in Nin. Try out being a rogue, or ask around to find out how to reset to either back to leaf or a new village if you feel betrayed, or just talk with folks in game to figure what next. The journey is never clear as simply following a guide in Nin.
  2. @SethWelcome back my dude, I see you've met Nagamushi, local wild ninja who says the most outlandish things possible. Fun triva, arguments on the internet are but a terrible game to play, and Nagamushi is bound and determined to win each and every one of those arguements.
  3. You got mad at me for quoting star wars at you. I will never forget that, for I had to recover from my sides being sent into orbit around the death star.
  4. Thank you for making this. I look forward to the next one.
  5. I'll enter myself in just for the fun. If I win, give it to 2nd place for obvious reasons. Or do as you will with knowledge that I can't win.
  6. You don't need discord to access the support tickets. It's actually here, on the site you just posted this post. Here is some instructional help for you via the forums.
  7. You shouldn't need to. But if you need to edit your billing address, it is within the checkout screen. Here is a picture of where to look
  8. You are going to get a reply from every village now, since every village always wants more folk. In this case in fact, I'll promote mist for I am mist, I generally help newer players and because our current MizuKage is having a lowbie starting gear hand out.
  9. It's very enjoyable. Make sure to get to know your village members.
  10. Antibodies is a buff not a heal. It is closer to cursed seal than any of the healing jutsus. It would be interesting to have it scale off chakra, but the small int investment isn't a determinant to a chak med.
  11. It actually is 45 seconds long. Ueda buffed it a while ago in this way as well as making the health gain more early on while at max less than before. I'd personally love to see it last longer or be a self cast. It still needs improvements, however it is a buff and cursed chakra seal is also a buff which makes sense of why it is within the int group of medic jutsus
  12. The background update. The one no will see, and few will feel. A minority I might be, thank you Ueda for doing what you felt need be done.
  13. Popped a blessing and watched a rogue ninja level from 29 to 30, while being a mist ninja myself. Provided feeling healing, and didn't request anything in return.