
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Ryoshi

  1. Damn it why'd you two have to break my /close attempt?.. Ugh!~ Yea. I'm done commenting then @.
  2. /close -No more posts please-.
  3. Woah!~ Now I'm sure I need me some glasses.
  4. Which is why I sarcastically commented, "Free posts!~" earlier. Then again, no need to bash him Stylish although I do see your point. Either way, close this please! Lesson here: We need more moderators.
  5. Free posts!.. Yay! @Rory.. Close please.
  6. Pretty sure there is Global Chat from the screen shots shown.
  7. I honestly still have no idea how to add a Bio to my profile, sure it isn't Silver Member/Gold Member options currently? @Rory.
  8. Beanned because West Virginia has Virgin in it.
  9. I was just gonna ask if you're omitting the "To flee" part. But alright then, guess I'll have to wait to see the game's system before any more comments on it.
  10. Isn't Kawarimi an escape technique though?.. Like.. Running away/hiding after use?.. @Rory. Edit: I'll just wait and see how it is before criticizing.
  11. Welcome, hope you enjoy your stay. ;]
  12. Banned because you currently have an even number of posts.
  13. Banned for arguing with a wannabee King.
  14. Banned for being a wannabee King.
  15. Banned for being Gold Shinobi.
  16. Banned for impersonating Madara.
  17. No. No. No. You all have it wrong. Uchiha gon' die just like in the anime!~ And then I'm gonna kill the wannabee Sasuke! Ontopic: Nine.. More.. DAYS!
  18. This is turning into an argumentative page than anything else, hehe. It's good for feedback and all but the random insults that this page is producing is getting kinda out of hand, not to point any fingers or anything but: For example isn't really helping or giving respectful criticism about the system. My personal opinion on it is basically the same as @AkatsukiNick: Don't knock it till ye' try it!