
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Ryoshi

  1. Ryoshi


    What key does what?
  2. I'm obviously the Naruto of the game. The black Naruto. Welcoem though. Yes. Welcoem.
  3. On that good Kush and ALCOHAL!~ Imma ball till the day I fall. On a more serious note: Only for medical purposes.
  4. Gaia. Gaia Online people everywhere. Good going though. ^-- You see that?! I'm a G.G.G.
  5. Ryoshi

    Hello ;-)

    Females are not real!~ They are an illusion on the internet..! Welcome!~ And just kidding.. Maybe.
  6. Ryoshi


    Yo!~ Welcome mi amigo.
  7. It's nice!~
  8. Quite a intriguing idea!~ Suggestion: Helpful Player; This person is usually always helpful, he or she frequents the "" topic and usually always gives information regarding the game or refers the person to someone who may be able to do so. The icon could follow something along the lines of this
  9. "But we love our Gold Shinobi much much more." -- Right in the heart! </3 Don't miss out on this offer though guys!~
  10. Speaking of which, @Hishido, give us your template!~ Nice attempt by the way!
  11. Ryoshi


    Welcome senor.
  12. PoT (Prince Of Tennis) - All Editions Kingdom Hearts - All Editions BioShock - All Editions.
  13. This question should've been asked in seeing as it doesn't concern the Basic Jutsu. But to answer your question, if it IS implemented it won't be until a much later date.
  14. Ryoshi


    No. No. No. You obviously haven't met this "Ryoshi" person.. I mean.. The guy's like ice. Welcome though!~
  15. Ryoshi

    Howdy Ello

    Yes. Yes I did. And welcome aboard.. Again!~
  16. I like how Rory keeps emphasizing the PvP. Now I'm even more excited, BYOND game runners always annoyed me too, especially with the random Safe Zones they had on GOA.
  17. Ryoshi


    W- Wow!~ To the groin. That h-hurt yaknow!
  18. Ryoshi


    I always thought your name was Eminem.. Welcome anyway!~