
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Ryoshi

  1. Wrong. @Photon will post below me.
  2. Seeing as your style is more clear-cut, I'll edit and add any missing info from this topic to this one If @ or @Crosswise would be so kind as to lock this topic and or delete it (I've spoken to the Topic Owner via PMs already) then that would be appreciated.
  3. Pretty sure I posted this somewhere else already, but yea, this is what I'm doing currently.
  4. Temporary Fix! To help with this for the time being until this option is added or there is an option to adjust the screen's properties, right click you taskbar, click properties, under "Taskbar appearance" tick the one that says "auto-hide taskbar".
  5. I like how Klaus' name is first, hehe!
  6. Ryoshi


    "Yoooooo" to you too. Welcome.
  7. Kill stealing is currently a severe issue in the game currently, finishing missions is becoming quite a hassle when certain members simply swoop in and get the last hit and all the EXP/Kill of the respective mob. Many [new] members are becomming quite displeased and the player-base is dropping quickly due to this issue, what I suggest is that the player that hits the mob (first?) or deals the most damage gets the kill OR that there should be an EXP sharing system based on the damage each player had done splitting the overall total, example: Player 1 hits mob and does 3/5 of the damage while Player 2 does the remainder, Player 1 gets 3/5 of the EXP while Player 2 gets 2/5. All other suggestions are welcome as this is just off the top of my head at this point. @Crosswise, move this to Suggestions!~
  8. When holding the SHIFT Key for running purposes for more than 8 seconds that pops up.
  9. Then it shouldn't really matter, it just adds extra work onto the Coders who already are working tirelessly to fix bugs. No offense. Maybe further down the road such simple additions could be possible.
  10. Silver/Bolded name please, though I don't really support this idea, in-game, everyone should be equal.
  11. Or.. You could have just posted it here.
  12. Suggestion: Disable the outer usage of the "Shift" key when the game is active other than for the intent that it used for in-game.
  13. Nice! @Whack should be informed and encrypt these files.
  14. Yep. Certainly welcome!~ Twas' pretty fun indeed.
  15. Oh? Thanks for spreading it then.
  16. #Excuse My Double Post. Seems you have to re-install the game every time there's an update.
  17. Posted here to lessen the amount of threads created.
  18. I'll post this in the other thread if you don't mind. Thank you for co-operating though!
  19. Oh?.. Didn't see that, oh well.
  20. ^-- That's really ignorance. But please, can we lessen the amount of threads, one is enough.. Couldn't you just have posted in that thread?
  21. For those of you having an unbelievably long loading time.. Here is how to fix that!~ If the game is taking too long simply press "ESC" and relog back into the game, though you should probably wait atleast five minutes before doing so!~