Kill stealing is currently a severe issue in the game currently, finishing missions is becoming quite a hassle when certain members simply swoop in and get the last hit and all the EXP/Kill of the respective mob. Many [new] members are becomming quite displeased and the player-base is dropping quickly due to this issue, what I suggest is that the player that hits the mob (first?) or deals the most damage gets the kill OR that there should be an EXP sharing system based on the damage each player had done splitting the overall total, example: Player 1 hits mob and does 3/5 of the damage while Player 2 does the remainder, Player 1 gets 3/5 of the EXP while Player 2 gets 2/5. All other suggestions are welcome as this is just off the top of my head at this point. @Crosswise, move this to Suggestions!~