
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Ryoshi

  1. 300*20 = Amount of replies required.
  2. Lets make stories, one word at a time. I'll start. There..
  3. Page 300? Ha.. Ha.. Ha! That's still way too much to be honest.
  4. Ryoshi

    Kimi's Pixels

    I like it. Pretty well made in my opinion.
  5. New Manga was great. :D

  6. Wipes will also be expected until an official release right, @Rory?
  7. Welcome, and to be honest it could use some work, check out mine for reference.
  8. Masks should all carry one identity for it's type. If the mask's name varied for the same type; example: Anbu Mask, it wouldn't make much sense.. Unless it was along the lines of "Cat Anbu, Wolf Anbu, Cat Anbu Captain" or something like that.
  9. They stated somewhere that Storm 3: Full Burst was their final release in the Storm series. I could be wrong though.
  10. The Knock-back looks sort of like a floating puppet, but that's just me.
  11. Ryoshi

    Pixel Art

    The 3 Tails looks exceptionally well done! Props!
  12. The Last Of Us was too good.. GTA V better bring it..

  13. If you were to half the number range do we get to try again?
  14. Wow, them magic powahs!~ Share please. Wisteria, I choose you!
  15. Ryoshi


    Hey @Robin.. Where's Batman?! Haha!~ Anyway, glad to see you're here, though you've been here longer than I have in a sense, welcome anyway.