
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Ryoshi

  1. No. You don't delete anything, simply double click it and follow the installation wizard.
  2. My Computer --> C: --> Program Files ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you still need assistance, inbox me, let's try to keep this topic as clean as possible.
  3. To fix those Run Time errors. Program Files --> Nin Online --> Bin --> Runtimeinstaller.
  4. Simply wanted to be on that Recent Status Update thing.

  5. Same here.. No biggie though. As for how long the test is gonna be, I don't think @Rory specified.
  6. Is still here, surprisingly.

  7. ~!College orientation was awesome!~

  8. I might, I might not be back. #CollegeLife

  9. College Starts tmmrw!~ No more Nin Online for me. :L

  10. Went away for a day, came back to this, damn, ya'll niggas thirsty!
  11. ^ Or you could be kind and give it to people who you see help around the community, think of it as both donating and a kind incentive to said person to keep doing what they're doing. And cool, an extended offer! Get 'em while they're hot guys!
  12. I love how Izuna stresses that gold get this and that in almost all the topic he talks in. Anyway, not that I know off, contant @Crosswise for achievements though, he's the one (to my knowledge) handles such things.
  13. Link to the old night image, inbox me it if you don't want to put it here @Rory.