
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Ryoshi

  1. And just in case Konami tries to sue them, they can just change a few names.
  2. Too sexy though, bring it down a notch or five.
  3. Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 (PC) though.

  4. Lego Marvel Super Heroes though.

  5. Just maı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨de you wipe your screen!

  6. Ryoshi


    Don't make it Silver and Gold only that would make the rest of the community feel unwanted, it's bad for a developing community.
  7. Ryoshi


    Just don't do option 3 or option 5. --Personally, I like option 4.
  8. Alive and kickin'

  9. - Won't be playing this seriously till Beta.

    1. SushiOLD
    2. Noble


      Join the club...

    3. Takumi Otsutsuki

      Takumi Otsutsuki

      Same. Just gunna mess around xD i can't wait until we can level all the way up and get epic jutsus!

  10. Nin Online Folder or the Bin Folder inside the Nin Online folder?
  11. Currently too tied up with College to aid in the Alpha Test, maybe next time!~

  12. Bring back the top 5 referrers list.

    1. ReubenNick


      isn't really needed at this point honestly.

    2. Ryoshi


      Neither is this recent status update thing, bleh, to each his own opinion.

    3. Ryoshi


      It had my referrers link too, now I don't even know where to go for it. :(

  13. Watch Dogs will be better than GTA V.

    1. ReubenNick


      Yes, but GTA will be longer and better once online pops out.

  14. Wondering why they took down the top 5 referrers and replaced it with a recent Status Update thing.

  15. Trying to piss Sipher off by being on the status wall anyway. :L

  16. The process is as follows. 1. Download the latest Client available to you. 2. Install the game by double clicking the client. 3. Follow the Installation Wizard that comes up. 4. After installation check and see if the game is working, if it is you're finished, stop here. ////Run Time Errors/// 5.Make sure the game client is closed. 6. Go to your program files and locate the Nin Online Folder. 7. When inside the Nin Online folder, click bin and locate the Runtimeinstaller. 8. Double-Click the file Runtimeinstaller and follow the installation wizard. 9. Let it finish and restart the game using the game's launcher. 10. Play the game!