
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Ryoshi

  1. Best Happy Video Ever:

    1. Feinz


      I get more enjoyment from the world cup.

    2. Ryoshi


      Bleh. I only like the goals. Everything else bores me.

  2. I like it. I want to see the explosion/after effects that it will cause though! My only critique is the animation seems a little stiff and not fluid.
  3. Ah Caribbean, how I love thee so.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ryoshi


      It's surprising that you even know where that is. +10 cool points. Sure thing bruh.

    3. Satsugai


      Haha us Caribbean boys gotta stick together

    4. Ryoshi
  4. Bored. Summer vacation started, exams are over. What to do.. what to do..!

  5. *Yawns* It's 5:30 in the morning, so whatever I say now is subject to change. As this game grows in size, the community will grow along with it, much --- much more people will be here, I'm expecting to see in the hundreds, thousands even. I'm sure you all have planned for a community size of such, but that's just scratching the surface. Pratically, it would be quite challenging for one composer to handle hundreds upon hundreds of requests and not get at-least one -wrong- or not up to the requester's standard, or even blatantly forget to compose a song for a certain individual all together. Not to mention making music from scratch isn't a walk in the park, all the instruments must be synchronized etc. Unless @Afilion uses a skeleton for all of the music created during this process, which I think will make all the music have a hint of similarity, it would be quite a time consuming job. In conclusion, if this is a one man job, sure it may work for the community as it is now, but as we grow in size, it will become more taxing on the composer. You all need others.
  6. Coming along nicely, we are. (Yoda Voice)
  7. Now Playing: The Wolf Among Us.

  8. My computer can't run Watch_Dogs. Worst. Moment. Of. My. Life.

    1. Satsugai


      Don't worry. People are ragging about how terrible the game ishaha

    2. Akiro


      It's not a bad game, it's just not a very good one launch window games aren't very good most of the time

  9. Exams tmmrw :'(. Wish me luck

    1. Feinz


      Good luck, Padawan.

    2. Akiro
    3. Ryoshi


      Gracias. It wasn't that bad.

  10. Now I can see Nin Online going places. AMAZING!
  11. #Update. Coming back to a beautiful surprise. Keep 'em coming.
  12. Ryoshi

    Elements System

    It's based on Naruto and community input is the best way to make an enjoyable game in my opinion. :]
  13. Dayum @Sipher, those are quite the valid points.
  14. Ahh. Nin Online, how you've grown.

  15. It's been a while. Good to see everythings still up to speed.
  16. She said she workin' for Walgreens but not in the store, at the head office. The head was so good it make sense why you work at the head office

  17. My high-school reunion might be worth an appearance. Make everybody have to go through security clearance.

  18. Stuck on this maths homework. Help a broda' out.

    1. Shuruki


      Hm, what kinda math?. Trig? Pre Cal?. Calculus?. Algebra?. I can only help you up to Calculus 1 and sort of 2.