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  1. Im Back

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nivailia
    3. Feinz


      Clearly his name is Dev_ProX. I don't even know who this Akrio guy is.

    4. Hei
  2. I just got to say that there is going to be alot of casualties @ night :ph34r:
  3. Thanks for the comments :lol: I tried adding the darker shade to the hair. I don't know if I did it correctly but it looks ok. C&C is always welcomed ^_^
  4. Before you lies Deidara well stands I guess :unsure: but anyway i'd like to give credits to Rory for the base and Also Hishido for making this Akatsuki Robe. I used the colors from it and the clouds because I am not good at doing art I hope its ok. Umm I guess I would like some C&C if you can give me some . The refference picture is
  5. These are Amazing this is truely going to become my favorite game when it's released
  6. The hair looks alittle off but it's nice
  7. Allow me to have a moment of your time. You are looking at the next Kazekage here but I will also become a powerful tyrant who's goals is to rule the nation.
  8. If anything would be overpowered it would probably be Amaterasu
  9. Nivailia


    Well maybe when the player is engaged in battle on water you could summon them that way or When the player is near water -_-
  10. *Grabs kunai* Well I guess only the strongest will survive :angry:
  11. Are you by any chance the cyberlord from Byond? :unsure:
  12. Can i has the golden headband?
  13. Ok Sasuke was a bad guy for quite awhile now, just because he shows some good heart doesn't mean he's a goody guy so my vote is heck yea he still evil. But wait I guess everybody has a choice on whether they would like to be evil or good.