
Silver Ninja
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Everything posted by meline

  1. i think you should make a mask like this to help people disguise themselves into other villages
  2. what programming language does it use
  3. 163 Colour:green food:cheeseburger(beef patty)
  4. what does the puppet master npc do, can he teach a puppet mastery
  5. words of wisdom-if u dont fly then u cant fly;D

    1. Nokki


      LOL was reading genshiken and there was this quote "a pig that can't fly is just a pig"


  6. this might be a bit dark but its still funny merry christmas everybody
  7. oh forgot to post about how i found them, I found you guys scrolling through indiedb
  8. I think it is actually better to close open alpha, that way you can work on adding more things to the game and fix the glitches later on
  9. what do you use to animate and model those
  10. GUYS, the whole reason developers add a alpha is to test bugs, be patient
  11. just a couple days until my social life is ruined
  12. excited to see more dev logs, keep it up :b
  13. i was intrested in game development and then i saw nin online from indiedb, so i tried to join and had to talk to i think it was seth maybe could of been rory dont really remember but they did not want me
  14. how many jutsu's are their gonna be by the open alpha
  15. yaaa go for mobile eventually even if it is a hit