
Silver Ninja
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Raven last won the day on August 30 2023

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  1. Do you need me to call they police? Blink twice for yes
  2. I guess I shouldn't come to school tomorrow...
  3. Level 15 per village: Sand: Big scarabs Leaf: Tigers Mist: Fire ants Make sure to kill the big version of these mobs because they give a lot of experience. Did you do the tags missions in each village? If you don't know what those are, ask your fellow villagers. Most will be able to help you. Hope this helps
  4. That's actually hilarious lmfao Nice video
  5. Rory usually does something like this after server side issues happen, major balance changes, or "Oopsies" moments. I think it's a pretty safe bet something will pop up in the mail
  6. Can we just have an option to disable chat and /e? Most MMO's have this option. Tired of these people that always have something to say. Just wanna play the game without strangers telling me they wanna rape my family. If I reported every single person that said this kind of shit to me, staff would have a new support ticket every 2-3 days. Chat filter doesn't help anything because people can just get around it. I don't even want to play this game anymore because of how toxic this community has become. Let me disable chat so I can just play the damn game without being harassed by assholes who have nothing better to do than antagonize people on the internet.
  7. Nice, Antar! This should be pinned
  8. Yes, an MMO without guilds is not great. We do need player orgs back Akatsuki: None of your business. We play every single day for hours. We just don't log on at 2 in the morning to agro random people in Takumi. Bandits: The org doesn't work simply because there is no leader. Invite the wrong person and they remove everybody else. Hermits: Why is a hermit org not for hermits? Also remove the ability to duck in the house right outside of Takumi while in combat.
  9. Just give gold and silver the power to make orgs again. It's an MMO without guilds. Need those before Steam release drops
  10. Because of how hard to get they are. It's been over a year since land of Iron dropped and kraken and dark Weasel became world bosses. Yet how many end game weapons do you know of in-game? Yamazaru is the only LOI sword in-game, hammer is gone (And there was only ever one dropped), and there are like 6 dark scythes. The amount of people that have these is extremely low and if an item has a literal 1:1000 chance of dropping it sure had better he worth the effort. The people that complain abput their strength are the ones too lazy to put in the effort to get one themselves or too broke to afford one of the very few that have been dropped. The rarity offsets the power. Not everybody in Middle Earth can possess the one ring.
  11. I was thinking about buff ideas for the dark scythes and here's what I came up with (Only selecting one of these, as both would make it overpowered): Idea 1 and my personal favorite: Add a level 1 bleed dot on contact Idea 2: Lower the strength requirement to 95
  12. Are fans just too boring for you? Do fans just not have enough things to make them stronk? How about if we gave fans a poison dot? Here's how it would work: If I spit on my fan and hit you with the toxic spittle air, it would apply a poison dot 1. Then if I spit on it again and hit you with another gust of toxic spittle air, it would apply poison dot 2. And it would just keep stacking! Can I get 100 likes??? /Satire
  13. Yeah there are a few jutus that have this issue. If this is the desired end point for risky, then it would make sense for past levels to be nerfed, right? If 5 is the max range now, then level 1 max range should be 4. Jutsu's are balanced for the end result since everybody inevitably will max their jutsu of they enjoy an account. So early levels of those jutsu need to be nerfed to show progress and not make jutsu leveling a pointless endeavor.