Betty BubbleButt

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  1. this would be a suitable replacement if you basically replaced cloud and senbon for your idea, since senbon is harder to hit, it would have more dps while cloud which is a decent sized aoe should be the lesser poison. Though if you want to post about reworking masteries I recommend a more fleshed out post then just some dot dmg increases.
  2. personally I quite like how things look for the future because there have been alot of QoL updates to make the game less of a grindy drag, also with the most recent revamp to bandits I'd love to see some more love given to LOI (great work rain )
  3. run cast SS sounds aids so I agree with this, turning intwms only reliable cancel into a run cast would feel a lil more balanced fighting it but be a middle finger to actual intwms not the 2000000 hybrids out there that are the ones yami actually dislikes using it.
  4. Great suggestions rain, I think the HP to 500 and dmg to 80 would balance it out just fine considering 99 just feels like overkill for a summon, especially when you take into acc the possibility of that 99 landing while the caster is also landing a cc combo
  5. raven out here trolling lately I swear, next thing ya know mans gonna be asking rory to spawn him in a custom skinned yamazaru
  6. I don't quite know the capabilities of the game and what you can mechanics you can slot in @Ueda but I've thought this for quite a while. instead of nerfing blood tonfas so that literally all other tai hybrids who use it suffer just make it so scapels register them as a weapon and therefore cannot be cast upon. if your wearing a sword,kunai or even the monkey staff it says you cannot use this jutsu so why not do the same for blood tonfa/tonfa?