Kakashi HatakeOLD

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  1. It's been almost 9ears since I came here for the first time. Can't believe it!!

  2. Rory you are great !!! I am really excited and hope to see this in-game soon
  3. Good job Seth, you are awesome. Thank you ! Looking forward to seeing the new stuff in-game
  4. Hey Guys ! Whoever is interested in joining a Clan, pm me !!!

  5. Let'sss goooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!

  6. That profile song rocks !!!

    1. HypnoMan


      Thx man :D i think so to

  7. See you guys all at the Hot Springs
  8. Alriiight you guys check out my new profile song !!!

    1. Kirin OLD

      Kirin OLD

      Runnin' huh, nice choice of music.

    2. Kakashi HatakeOLD
  9. YEEEEEES at the end. Thank you very much Rory. You da bestest !!!
  10. Yaaay Very excited about the test... Good luck in the future Rory
  11. They are looking very nice can't wait to see them in action.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSLSwwkLRW0
  13. Welcome Seele ! Enjoy your stay