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Aleiya last won the day on July 15 2021

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  1. Oh I see, Im sorry about all the backlash. This is just a creative suggestion I hope can be implemented over time as a long term addition! Nothing too serious. :3 I hope the community can help you guys with developing more content~
  2. Yes! I love the concept of lanterns and street lamps, and plan on making a lit up version of the markets soon to display a sort of festivity there too!
  3. Hahaha! I hope it makes night more popular definitely!
  4. Hey secret ploy to make docs easier huhuhu~
  5. Thank you so much! I'm happy you liked it.
  6. Hello Everyone! My name is Aleiya, and I'm from the Leaf Village! I've always felt that during the night and the rain in the village, visibility is pretty low which is why everyone prefers day time so they can see well. I've always envisioned Leaf to be beautiful at night time with its warm lights and homely lit up stalls and shops so I decided to make some concept art for how I hope the design for the lit up villages can look someday! Please like this if you think it should be implemented! I know its a daunting task but its a long term goal to make Nin more beautiful as time passes. :3 I am also in no way an artist, and this is my first time trying my hand at digital art and pixel art so go easy on me! My design: