Marshall D Naga

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  1. Today i was on the game and i saw 2 players speaking to each other as to why the game needs a EU server and how it would make the game expand even more but i am here to debunk that. Firstly the games player base is very small so to divide it even more even after the BR server is still active would not be wise for the Nin production team, consisting of Rory. The other main reason EU hasn't gotten a server is simple. Firstly, what part of the EU? And what locale/language? If you mean English speaking EU, then the reason they don't have a server at the moment is because English speaking EU belongs in English speaking Nin Online. Which will, if ever, has a population where we have enough for 2 server channels get a Europe Channel. Not a whole localisation server, but a channel where the accounts will be shared with the rest of the English speaking server. If you mean French speaking Eu, or German speaking Eu. That's up to who is willing to act as the publisher for that localisation. In BR's case, Kenock was willing to take on the project and do the heavy lifting for the localisation. King regards, Nagamushi
  2. Hello ladies, gentlemen, boys, girls, Germans Today i would like to make a statement about Erox's very cruel and unbelievable decision that was made a couple days ago in the glorious Nin Online discord. Ryuseken and his friends where speaking in Spanish, The Romance language of the Indo-European language family that evolved from colloquial spoken Latin in the Iberian Peninsula. He was saying a meme which included many inappropriate words such as mar*con etc. He and his friends in the server said these as a joke. A 1 month ban or 1 week ban would be understandable but a PERMANENT Ban is very very crazy, I would like Ryuseken to be unbanned or reduce his ban to 1 or 2 month ban because it is much more reasonable. Ryuseken does not have a history with discord bans so this is his first time, you must lay a warning first before laying down a hard punishment. @Ueda @Antar Please read this and at least try to understand it to an extent if you can. Thank you King Regards, Nagamushi
  3. Bro stop being a party pooper, this suggestion is good you are just mad that you have takumi spam ptsd so you dont feel safe everywhere, its ok Ainz Owaal Ibn Abdul Muttalib Asaqeer Al Gown, this suggestion should be added cause i the Takumi kage approve.
  4. Good to know kid. 5k bo3, deal or no deal? If i win u give me 5k, i lose ill give u 5k. Time to make some easy ryo
  5. Are you that scared you will lose your kage spot? its fine, we can 1v1 for 5k. Deal?
  6. Hello all, Nagamushi the French Slayer here. Today i want to challenge the man named @Hyach who is the Sand Kazekage, meaning he must be strong. I want to test my strength and challenge you to a bo3, if you win ill give you 5k ryo. If i win you have to cancel your kage term, leave the sand village for the rest of 2022. Up to you, will you man up and do it or will you run away?
  7. Hello all. My name is French Slayer Naga, the new 1st Takumi kage of Nin Online. The reason why you guys should choose me as your takumi kage is: 1. I am a respectful and kind person who helps everyone, no matter if your purple, white, black, German, straight, lesbian etc... 2. I will help any lowbie in Takumi with Guren mission, i can beat him easily 3. I will of course spam kill Shintetsu and Ryuseken, if you need help killing them let me know 4. All new takumi players will get help by enrolling in the Takumi Academy 5. And finally all governers from Takumi will be killed and i will rain supreme.
  8. Thats soo true ^^ Please bring back the old Taijutsu DMG its literally no point lowering the jutsu DMG.
  9. Remove the stun from the bears
  10. I am tired of getting Daimyo Express after 45ish level and missions like snow wolf hunt and hosts. I suggest to lower the chances of getting missions like them or just make a mission level cap. The other thing that i suggest is to buff the EXP that we are getting from the missions.
  11. As you guys know at 60 level we are getting 17 jutsu slots but it's still not enough for some mastery combos like the hybrid ones. I think that it would be a good idea if we get more jutsu slots.