
Gold Ninja
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    Teiken High

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  1. Does it make you feel big killing a level 8 player ?

  2. I was just chilling one day when the thought of blocking crossed my mind, of course this wouldn't work on nin so I thought of the next best thing. Tool blocking! It would work like this, if someone throws a kunai at you and you time it right, you could melee with a small success window and either deflect the kunai or just block it. Another follow up idea would be the addition of being able to counter throwing tools. So if someone throws a tool at you you can throw one back and they both cancel each other out. Thank you reading, Yoneji
  3. Additionally, the item works completely fine with the male body (as pictured above) which made me more confused.
  4. It has come to my attention now and when I started the games that there is a specific clothing item that is not wearable by male characters. The item in question? The Blue Short Jacket. My first thought when I entered this game was that I wanted to make a character that matched the name, e.g. a Japanese delinquent. Now I know not many people are familiar with what this is or will instantly assume Tokyo Revengers, so I'll upload an image for reference (best reference I can find atm is Takiya Genji from Crows Zero, would take me ages to search manga ss). What really confused me when I spent my first hard earned 500 ryo to buy this item, and was forced to subsequently sell it back to the shop at half price, it looks to be based on the jacket that Sai wore. Hopefully this can get to the right people and be sorted eventually. Peace, Yoneji
  5. I was thinking something like instance bosses might be fun. Maybe something like the kraken but it has super armor on its head and you have to kill all the tentacles to damage it for a short while till the tentacles resurface, with each tentacle having like 1k hp and head having like 25k. Another type would be if the giant spider periodically jumps onto the wall or something and gains armor and you have to kill a bunch of little ones to take off the armor. Horde mode would be fun aswell, with rewards on specific waves such as cosmetics or other rare items. Could probably do something like zetsus for it, and have a centre building with a certain amount of hp. When the building is destroyed you lose. Best example I can think of is this (skip to 6:00 mins) -