
Gold Ninja
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evoliiX last won the day on February 25 2016

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  1. them eyes 

    1. Hisa


      Are you trying to pick me up right now.


      Thank you xD

    2. evoliiX


      seems like you got me >_>

    3. Hisa
  2. No problem, sometimes people forget that developer also have a life beyond the game.
  3. evoliiX


    If someone search for a similar game then i would recommend Paladins. Its still in the beta, but its for free! Currently there are not much champions/heroes but i played a few hours and its quite nice. But i think its nothing compared with overwatch.
  4. A girl finally said that im awesome. :) Feelin' good right now!

  5. It happened a while ago, but I did/fixed the Loot list by all the monsters . Some loot lists were wrong and some were missing and I fixed it in cooperation with Yoshimitsu
  6. evoliiX


    The coolest one is missing.
  7. Well it depends in which case you meet these ones. When you want to go shopping or want to buy food, then I would rather prefer the left one When this is supposed to be a final enemy or boss enemy than I would prefer the right one
  8. That's the worst scenario that can happen! But I can imagine that some of the uchihas join sand aswell.
  9. I think im gonna stay in the Leaf Village because I look terrible in Sandals.