They're "my" main characters :rolleyes: plus what I really saw in the title was "Top 5 Anime Characters" haha I need to start paying more attention but ok I'll edit <_<
The forums are gonna be packed with people looking for partners when its time for the Chunin exams telling people all they're skills, abilities, and what not so I'll just wait til then to see someone that catches my interests.
Most likely Kiri as it has the closest relations with the Kaguya clan though I love Konoha so I'll just have to see whichever I feel like choosing that day xP
I'm just to addicted! Especially with X & Y coming out in 2 months for 3DS! But you are right... nothing will ever be better than the originals, I still think the best one is yellow haha
Its kind of hard to believe since it was planted in such an obvious spot... like seriously who would just leave it next to the register but the concept of an officer doing that is not hard to believe at all I just feel kinda iffy about this certain case.
I threw in stuff that aren't even gonna be in the game xD just having a little fun haha and I removed the genin part awhile ago but I will for sure change those when the official bloodline and elements come out