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Exodia last won the day on May 30 2021

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  1. I heard you got kicked from the village cos you stopped sucking them off daily, trash can what happened? Your unstable ways made your own group hate u and kick you HAHAHAHAHAHAH
  2. I wouldn't put demon claws on the same tier as Yamazaru or Jakuma as Demon claws is obtained from the lvl 40 arc. Much easier to farm and reach, the 2 swords are literally the end game boss which is impossible to kill. No comparison.
  3. Considering there's only 1 in the game after 1 year and 3 months of LOI being added to the game and being nerfed already I think the sword should be as strong as it is right now. Call me biased all you want but pure wm RELIES on it's weapon, it has been reduced to a 1v1 melee pressing mastery, if end game swords (Which are next to impossible to farm rn) are being nerfed when there are waaay bigger issues in the game right now then I don't know what to say. Fan auto on lvl 20 weapon = Free combo for elementals, FREE. Earth being overly broken rn > 1 land of iron sword in the game that I use once a week. I understand your point about it being a power creep and appreciate that you've tried to balance the weapon instead of just nerf, but this change will literally not even be noticed because there is only 1Yamazaru in the game and only affects 1v1 scenarios. Nerfing said swords isn't going to change the fact that pure wm is just a melee mastery and people will always complain about THAT being broken, so maybe look to change the class instead of nerfing swords that take 1 year + to drop and over 5000 hours to farm an impossible boss.
  4. pkunai doesn't have cc and cannot Auto > combo, black fan can.
  5. could look like Yone's R from league of legends without the knock up
  6. true, then maybe every time u rank up you get 1 reset.
  7. I respect your decision to get rid of the knockback bug. However, the meta had shifted from wind months ago when vacuum sphere was changed from instant cast to 1 second cast. For many months now the meta has been int med + elemental/wm or pure wm. With the addition of this new bug fix wind has lost another one of it's unique abilities. It now has a single tile shuriken with no evolution line, a slow moving wind scythe pierce ability, a borderline useless vacuum sphere. Claw and the homing are wind's redeeming jutsus, drilling air bullet is still good but will only be used for cancelling situations. I have a great suggestion for vacuum sphere (2 suggestions) 1- Make it so I can use the vacuum spheres 3x in succession (I need to press the jutsu 3 times for all 3 bullets to come out) within a time limit of casting the jutsu (8 seconds to use all 3 bullets or it goes on c/d.) 2- Keep it how it is now but make it so the first bullet STUNS the opponent so that bullet 2 and 3 actually land and deal dmg (right now people can just dodge the other 2) Thanks for reading
  8. I give credit where credit is due, let's hope it gets added.
  9. Inspired by @Machi, written by me. When a village loses all it's raid points, it should turn into a danger zone. That way there's a huge incentive to go out and get those points, it'll increase player hunting ten-fold as 95% of the village population hide in the safe zone which makes the game boring for others. @Erox @Ueda Let's make this happen!