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Gallighanmaker last won the day on August 5 2014

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    Sao Paulo, Brazil

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  1. @Ueda Yes, nice to hear that, keep the amazing job guys.
  2. You're using Lidgren?. I'm using mirror/apathy on my unity game and works like a charm, awesome lib take a look just in case. Mirror/Apathy Dotsnet Nice progress and its awesome to read this topic. It's a pain in the a** change server/client for another "language".
  3. It's been a long time since I've been here to take a look at the project and it has evolved a lot, congratulations to everyone. The new updates will be awesome, continue this fantastic work.
  4. I am thinking of my ambitions!.

  5. I never expected turn nothing here but follow strictly the game, brought the community into nin, I am of the Ragezone Brazil Staff with about 66,000 members and over a 600~1200 online p/day , the only thing I asked Seth was to have early access to help find errors. I have great experience in games, patronicios and community management, and always tell the guys here, I am very happy to know how the project goes. keep work.
  6. good job to everyone!, more and more I see evolve and it should be very rewarding.
  7. It is very nice to hear this news, I look forward to the new update and try out the new improvements on the server. Good job guys!
  8. It took a while but improved over time, a lot of people trying to access the game and it was certainly a great test for the team members. It was great to see many people playing
  9. guys, bugs/errors are common, especially in the early access, be patient like rafay115 say... enjoy the game
  10. My friend who played with me today had problems with the screen, especially with the icons below, so he kept asking me if I had full screen but I know it was disabled by some problems, but certainly over time you will be able to fix it, many play on screens smaller than 768 and this visual problem.
  11. awesome, I hope to see in action soon.
  12. Brazil ! YAY. I'm from Brazil as well, but it sure has a large number of players wanting to play. already managed to involve several friends.
  13. Here in Brazil will be in a good time. 10pm for me. @Kirin, ok! see you there.
  14. I can eat my ramen in the sauna? kkkkk