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  1. IN MY OPINION I 100% agree with this. I would really like to see some kind of dailies revamp as well with the little experience I have had with it I have already seen these kind of issues between my friends and myself. As a new player I have found that some dailies are way more beneficial to get than others usually just opting to abandoned a mission after not being able to complete it for hours. I think having maybe a billboard with missions that are posted for ninja to take up would still fit the theme of the world while allowing the player to pick their difficulty for better rewards, only able to complete 3 a day still but giving players options. after level like 20 they give you missions to travel from the mist all the way to the sand village to either scout it without dying or sneak into their spa for 300 seconds. Unless the server is completely dead there is almost no chance I make it there without getting murdered making the quest almost impossible at certain times. On the other hand I have gotten the mist spa mission which did give me a nice chunk of exp that was super easy to complete and actually gave more exp than much harder ones as well as missions to kill the same mobs that I am already grinding on that is just way easier. I think it should come down to risk vs reward. You can take a harder quest you see fit for your skill level or risk factor and be rewarded for your choice or an easier mission that allows you to get at least some exp so you don't just abandoned the quest and waste 1/3 missions. I know this game isn't supposed to be "convenient" as others like to tell me but this system is a bit mind baffling to me. Follow up: why is guard duty twice as much exp and ryo than killing snakes in enemy territory?! I would love to chill at entrance and afk for more exp? makes legit no sense at all.
  2. This was kind of the same experience I have had myself and it seems this is "By Design." Besides the people telling you "Go play something else." This is a lot of the leveling experience for most of the early levels which gets easier when you reach level 10 which shouldn't take to long although a bit boring. The daily missions become a bit more unique but they send you into enemy territory rewarding you a lot of exp but at such low levels it is hard to complete them without some help or the server being dead. But it seems that this post is pretty split for the most part with most people in favor of a better experience in the earlier levels of the game. I am glad the developer is also checking this post out so hopefully we can talk about improvements for the future.
  3. I for sure see more where you are coming from and although I don't think the suggestions I made are to the extent other mmorpgs have taken it I have a better understanding of what you mean with the hand holding and convenience. But he also talked about helping new players and building a better community as well. I wish you started off with that video instead of being so aggressive in your response and it would of been a much more civil conversation.
  4. That is what I am trying to explain. I think a more enjoyable experience would help the game a lot.
  5. I can understand it is a different kind of beast of a game and I am 100% up for a challenging experience and getting involved in some open world pvp. I actually like this part of the game a lot. Was just making suggestion for players that can't really play the game when a village is being attack or there isn't anyone on to stop them from being camped when they are barely 10 or higher. I think adding more quest would help with the grind but more importantly fit the theme of naruto too which this game draws it inspiration from. But if these ideas just make people upset for even making a suggestion I am sorry I even said anything. I didn't think I would be attacked for trying to help keep players to make the game grow which I thought all people who enjoy the game would want. Unless you don't want players that cant cut it which is fair if it your opinion.
  6. Yeah but he didn't tell me "nah" like I actually am changing anything XD
  7. and you don't see a problem with that? How does that work in new players favor? XD
  8. Just a suggestion XD not sure who you are trying to tell.
  9. I understand a game being hard but being unfair is not okay. Trying to get started in a game to be able to enjoy it with everyone else is what builds a good community and keeps a game going. There are plenty of players to fight that can actually put up a fight but if you think killing people that can't defend themselves is fun I don't think I can change your mind.
  10. I have been killed earlier than 10 for sure and I still think people under level 20 as pretty new. I am saying the debuff should be reduce for new players so if they get killed by other players they don't have to sit around and wait to get back to grinding.
  11. I have been playing ninonline the last couple of days and thought some perspective of how the game is for a new player may help this game grow in the future. I would like to point out I understand that the game is still being developed and isn't finished but I still would like to help improve it and point out the pros and cons. I also don't know everything about the game yet only from what I have seen and what helpful players info have shared with me. First I would like to start with the pros of the game. The aesthetics of naruto and the ninja world has always in my opinion been a fantastic setting for a mmorpg so to see the concept come into light in such a well designed way is amazing. I have played a similar style naruto game on byond, if you can remember that throwback, which wasn't this well polished with combat and customization. Having unique clans instead of reusing the current ones opens up a lot of unique abilities that I am looking forward too. The tutorial was very well done, that wasn't too long and did a good job introducing you to the simple mechanics of the game. The sprites and graphics are beyond amazing, especially the scenery and jutsu that just blow me away every time I see them in action. The combat is enjoyable and very responsive for the most part and doesn't get boring for a 2d game like this. Now for the Cons. Although the games combat is fun the variety of leveling options is very limited making the only way of endlessly murdering mobs over and over feel VERY grindy. Only being able to do 3 daily missions makes your income of money very limited at the earlier levels which in turn just forces you to just continue to endless farm mobs to sell their drops or hope to obtain and sell blank scrolls which you need for jutsu early on. Also the trash mission for the mist village at least is HORRIBLE you could spend 30 mins running around and find nothing.(update on this. the garbage is hidden behind trees and buildings. Not sure if this is design but I found just swinging behind random stuff helps the mission go faster) I am not sure how the spawning works but for one of the early quest it is a huge time sink for a pretty unsatisfying reward. As for the biggest problem of the game in my opinion is pvp for new players. The number of times my party and I were grinding on mobs just to get suddenly attacked, killed and then camped has just made leveling in the game unplayable. It seems the only responses I get about this is "just suck it up" or "Welcome to ninonline" which in my opinion are very weak and sad reasons for the effort that went into this game. As for some suggestions I would make to improve these problems. As for the leveling I think having repeatable D-S rank missions that could give players direction as well as a better source of exp and income would make the grind a little easier. Having the daily missions be a bit more unique and rewarding would have them stand out from these rank missions. As for the pvp problem with the early players being killed. I think giving new player a grace period where they can't be harmed by other players that are higher than 3 levels up until say level 25 or 30(while in their own region) would give players time to adjust to the games combat as well as choose their paths/builds. Also the wounded debuff for being killed is waaaay to long for new players who aren't much of a threat to other but just extends the already intense grind. These solutions would make it so new players can enjoy the game without worry about being killed by a higher level player that makes it impossible to play the game. I have heard that these rogue ninja kill players because of their missions so maybe have it where if a player is well under their level they are not rewarded for killing them. I know that coding this might not be possible but these are just suggestions because I really do believe something needs to be done to aid new players. I have really enjoyed this game for the most part and see it having a lot of potential but I think the pvp and grind might turn off some players so hopefully they are addressed in the future. I know the game is still new and being developed but as where the game stands these are the problems I feel hold it back from being amazing. I hope no one takes this in a negative way, I just thought the perspective of a new player would be helpful for the future of the game. I am not here to argue with anyone because I do enjoy this game and I know every has their own opinions and way they think the game should be.