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Mendez last won the day on July 12 2023

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  1. Concerning stamina and mounts First of all, i am very grateful for the last updates. The new jutsus, weapons, and the achievements system is a very good contribution to the game. This last patch is actually a good idea but needs some fixing to adapt to the gameplay of Nin Online. Stamina Positive aspects : - Stamina is a good way to balance PVP agaisnt Tai users and WM. Its actually a nerf for them, forcing them to use their Stamina like an elemental uses Chakra. - Mounts make you travel faster - Mounts look hella cool and if you get new cosmectics Its an awesome way to personalize your character Negative aspects : - when you lose your mount makes the travelling a pain in the art because you have to wait for your Mount CD and the stamina consumes very fast - Mount can be use while mapblocked or in combat which means you can run almost from any fight. - The stamina consumed while running is very high which means you have to stop all the time when running. Solutions ? Concerning Mounts - Make Mounts only usable when you are not in combat. - Make Mounts a walkcast This while make it harder to use it as an escape tool in combat. It should only be a travelling tool, not an escape tool. If you keep it like this, you are just ruining the hunting in Danger zone. Concerning stamina, there are several options - Stamina is a good way to limit the permanent pressure Tai or WM can put while doing PVP. This is why I think it shouldn't be totally removed. But, in that case, it should only be consumed when doing melee attacks or some jutsus. This while force Tais and WM to choose when to pressure and while make failing melee's more punishable. - Make stamina only consumable while in combat. So this doesn't become annoying when travelling or just moving around in village etc. - Remove stamina consuming from running. Or, if you want to limit people running around in fights, ensure that it consumes a looooooot less stamina (like 10 times less). Sorry for my bad english
  2. Blood Iron Fan is dropped by the boss at Land of Iron right?
  3. Totally agree whit this suggestion. If it can contribute to develop this idea heres a post from some weeks ago I made about trading : I think in this post there are some ideas that can be added to Donatello's suggestion.
  4. Hi everyone, a new player's proposal to improve the trading system. This proposal comes from the fact that a lot of exchanges are done outside the game. The main platform to contact sellers or buyers is the official server discord or the server discord of villages, organisations, networks etc... These in my opinion has several problems: - New players don't think to join discord in order to find the means to trade. There are no tutorials or ways in the games for players to learn how to make ryo or trade. This makes trading quite annoying and something that only high-level players know about. - Having to use discord to trade affects roleplay and immersion in the game. This is the most important thing in my opinion. This is especially true since there is a lot of competition on the discord trade channel, so you have to be very focused on the thread (and therefore AFK in game) - discord trading is slow. The more fluid and enjoyable the trade is, the more players will play. So here is my proposal (Roleplay presentation): Create the "Shinobi Trade Company". The STC is a merchant company of the ninja world that is present in all cities. This one has offices in all the cities and in key places of the shinobi world. The STC facilitates the exchange between shinobis. In these premises, the STC displays all the products that players submit for sale, both internally in the village and with external trade. Here, players can set their price and the company facilitates the contact between the buyer and the seller. (Explanation out of Roleplay) In concrete terms, the idea would be to create this 'company' which would serve as a platform for internal trade in- game. In its premises, all the products put on sale are displayed, with the contact of the player. The buyer can then contact the seller and make an appointment to buy the products. Or we can allow players to trade directly on the platform, personally I'm against it because it would limit the movements and contacts in the game. This would keep the immersive aspect of the game, reinforce roleplay and facilitate trading. This can be a way to familiarize players with all the in-game items. In every city there is a 'merchant' space that already exists. The STC premises could be present there. Here is a small proposal to try to enrich the game. NB : Sorry for my bad English! Mendez
  5. This suggestion should be taken seriously.
  6. Isn't it harder to play Nin with a controller?