Sn1per Old

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  1. Faster logins and map switches are a huge thing and also having a solid foundation to work on is a lot better than adding new jutsu and new crap that people will complain is too op within hours or launch, there will always be people complaining but in the long run you are doing things that are better for the game as a whole. Keep up the work and ty for this insight on everything that has happened is has made a lot of us aware of what is happening and that we shouldn't be shit talking the developers or the game.
  2. that was what ana said however i believe this would make it worse as you stand still for so long, your enemy has so much time to run away or cancel. This is why i said the slow run then into normal run as it makes it harder to cancel and more reliable.
  3. it was inspired by your idea tbh
  4. I think it'll be easier to land, but maybe 6s is too much
  5. It's harder to cancel someone running full speed than it is to cancel someone doing a slow run for however long chidori cast is rn
  6. Time to bring back a fun topic for everyone, we have all seen primal complain about chidori and how they want to add "ys chidori" this got me thinking how could we make chidori more similar to anime whilst still keeping it viable. Now time for amazing idea, why don't we have chidori have a 2s slow run to charge up chidori then after the 2s you have a 4s run cast with a 3-4 tile dash, this not only makes it more similar to anime as you have to cast it but then you also have a dash instead of a homing. The 2s slow run cast allows the user to either book it to the mountains or to cancel and having the 4s full speed run allows the lightning user time to try catch up and dash to the enemy. This also removes 1 less beloved homing from the game, feel free to add comments and suggestions and let me know if you like it.
  7. Chunin Exam Suggestion As we all know the Chunin Exams happened recently and in some village the participation was relatively low, this got me thinking why don't we make the Chunin Exams in a more similar way to the anime. By this I mean why don't we have the Chunin Exams held in 1 village and all villages come to the same village just like the anime, I think this will be a lot more fun as it will bring more RP opportunities and the pvp will be more fun as villages will compete against each other and have more people to fight against. Story Line/ New Missions Suggestions Another suggestion I have is having some sort of story line, I think this will make it more enjoyable for lowbies and new players and it would give the veteran players something to look forward to and try out. This also links to my next point which is to add a couple new missions so that there is a little bit of variety and something new because most missions are pretty similar and get too repetitive. Akatsuki Event Suggestion My final suggestion which is more of an idea is to add some incentive to Akatsuki, I believe by adding a monthly or bi weekly event that involves Akatsuki in some way will make them not only more active but will also give some content to the villagers and rogues. This could vary from selecting random players from villages that Akatsuki has to kill for rewards and bounty to even something complex like some sort of tail beast event where if Akatsuki capture 9 players picked at random that are jinchuriki (giving them an item that drops on death or something like that) then they summon the 10 tails and get given a huge buff that helps them raid and destroy villages. These are all rough suggestions and ideas that i think will be a cool addition to the game so thank you for reading and if you have any ideas please reply and like the post :)
  8. yh well i meant like all the money from people entering the tournament would go towards the rewards, since im not rich in game or irl so i would use the ryos from the entry fee
  9. What would everyone think of a team tournament? Teams of 4 enter the tournament with a 4k ryo entry fee, they will fight to death winners of the tournament runs away with big ryo prize. If I can get the support of GM the tournament will be held in a large map big enough for 4v4 However if no GM would want to help the tournament would have to be private so no scums come and ruin it the captain of each team would meet me in game pay the entry fee and a discord link will be sent to their dm's instantly. Once in the discord server further details of location and other stuff will be released to the players and the day of the tournament everyone will meet at the location fight it out team vs team until there is 1 team standing: 1st- 20k (5k per player) 2nd- 12k (3k per player) 3rd- 8k (2k per player) It would be a lot better if a GM would help support this idea as then no one would have to through the work of making and joining discord servers and keeping it private so people don't bombard the tournament, entry fee will still be needed as all ryo is coming out of my pocket and if GM would like to help they can possible add other prizes and maybe we can make this a bi-monthly tournament or even monthly tournament. Let me know how you feel about this and if you have any suggestions this was just an idea I came up with while bored in an exam so it will not be perfect.