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Fernando last won the day on May 29 2016

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  1. I think it's good, but it doesn't fit, not in my eyes at least.
  2. How can you even run your PC with 2GB o-o. If you've got at least 2 sockets, get a 4GB card that is the same speed as your current one and have it installed along with your current one, 6GB should do for anything you want to play.
  3. Kogarasumaru, nuff said. Edit: Or Nudist Beach.
  4. Do you want to make me cri cus thats how you make me cri
  5. The tailed beast hype needs to stop. We're not even sure that we'll add those in game.
  6. Basically, he wants Gear slots and then "cash" or "Show" gear slots where stats do not apply but displays the graphics chosen. That's a nice suggestion, +1.
  7. Some gay shit going on here. I'm going to get my skills ready to spank some ass in game.
  8. This is exactly how it should be, and I said it a long time ago, this is exactly why, in my case, my most activity periods are when the game is online and the players enjoy it, which is the only thing that motivates me to work on this besides helping Rory achieve his goals. Nobody gets paid here, that I know, at least not me, that I do the job or not. Besides, anything that I make, takes years to be added or isn't added at all because there's other stuff to work on. And no, it doesn't work that way either, if you know you're not getting paid you won't be doing the job or won't be doing it as willingly and with the same efficiency as someone who is actually going to get paid/getting paid. Money isn't a motivator for someone to do a good job, but it is a motivator to do the job, if I were getting paid, and trust me, I fucking need the money because I'm poor as shit I starve everyday and I have my own problems which the slightest money could fix, I would work my ass off even if I didn't want to. That applies for everyone in the team. Even tho all of that isn't excuse for why the game is nearly half a year late on being hosted, as said, it needs to at least keep being hosted as we progress on it, that is how a game is developed..
  9. I love this. Good job.
  10. Kiling in Nin Online ain't that easy
  11. I am pretty sure that only 1/4 of the participants will pass the exams.
  12. I did suggest in the development team chat that we should have a few spots open for some kind of event winners that do not have Gold or Silver membership. It is being considered right now I believe, but I think it won't happen. One week is nothing anyways
  13. Chakra can actually be measured you know...there's just not a specific measuring formula-method. But you can still sense the amount of chakra, so it wouldn't be bad to have sensorial jutsus that were THAT much specific.