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BlackRain last won the day on October 12 2021

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  1. @Enver you should define mechanics for the people here, I don't think they understand what mechanics are.
  2. Honestly I agree with this sentiment 100%. I don't like alts, infact I think they are unhealthy for the game.
  3. Using jutsu description as a means for what a jutsu "should do" is not correct imo, otherwise I should decapitate all enemies and instantly execute them when I land my crescent. Another thing I want to make clear is that it is not a FREE combo. It has counterplay, try and figure it out instead of just screaming for nerfs when you reach a challenge.
  4. There are very few players who have the reactions and mechanics (after lots of practice) who are able to combo from knockbacks. Imo this adds more depth and increases the skill ceiling for builds with knockbacks, and should not be changed. I would recommend aiming to reduce knockback chance or distance instead of trying to dumb down the game.
  5. Can the sounds for swapping weapons be added back into the game? These were an actual useful audio queue that was removed with the update where swinging a weapon now makes a sound. I get the appeal behind a feature like this, but why remove the actual useful audio queue that players use in pvp of their weapon being swapped
  6. Jonin NPCs inside villages have been frustrating (especially with the long map load timers when there are jonins at every village entrance) to play against and their mechanics are unreliable. They can easily be abused through luring with villagers into the enemy (when the bug occurs where they target friendly villagers and can be moved). My suggestion is to keep Jonin NPCs the way they are, but: 1. Remove the ability for the Jonin NPC to use flicker - This causes a lot of the frustration and allows them to be bugged into places where they cannot attack 2. Reduce their auto-attack damage to 200
  8. The level of power medics already have in their nitche (which is healing) is higher than any other group in the game because they are the only class in the game to be able to heal. While the idea is cool, I don't think this would be good to implement for a couple of reasons: 1. This is extremely OP and would shift the meta even more towards medic hybrids, when they are already too prevalent 2. This would give village groups (which are already way bigger than majority of rogue groups) a huge advantage over them 3. Being able to stack AoE heals would remove the skill of playing medic.
  9. Make a forum post, it is a fair enough point, however for this thread I purposefully focused on maps specifically in danger zone, hence the title