
Gold Ninja
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  1. Also i forgot to add that u can infinitly use flash flicker in this stuck state and you can pretty much scout out an entire map in seconds. You can also interact with item stash boxes and the item stash window will infinitly expand as well ( visual bug) I can record a video for you if needed.
  2. If u try to switch a map while equipping a weapon ur caracter gets stuck in a perma charging animation and you cant do anything until u login. If u also use flash flicker ur caracter becomes perma stuck and u cant even move anymore. Also i wonder if getting silver is possible after i reported so many bugs some of them game breaking like this one and the hairstyle sound spam crashing clients on some occasions.
  3. There is a bug that can occur when you walk out of charm shop and try to diagonally walk as soon as ur spawned outside. I believe this is due to the fact that u spawn in the exact same tile that u use to enter. This can be used to get out of bonds with any similar structure.
  4. South

    pvp focus

    isnt the game literally 0 rp at the moment and only pvp focused? theres no rp activities at all besides CEs
  5. As fun as organized fights in dz are the game should have a natural flow to it and not something artificially organized by the players . Dzs should be alive by itself and not need some sort of planning to even enjoy dz fights. i think the issue here is completly different and we just need more dz incentives
  6. This explains perfectly why med needs to stay like it is but instead tuned down a bit. Locking it would make it into a pretty average / below average mastery
  7. First of all nice post i like the way you use wow analogies to try to come uo with fixes for nin. The issues i have with these posts is most of it is based on outdated ideas. Everyone knows why taijutsu has a kit that strong. Its because agility is the worst scalling stat, and tai has just been nerfed again on jutsu dmg. Saying hybrid builds should not be a thing its pointless because hybrid builds are terrible in this game and are way worse when compared to pure int pure str or pure agi builds, the only good hybrid mastery is wm and even when u go something like wm med with the usual 70 str 40 int build ur still useless for teamfights in the most part. I dont agree with the sub path locking cause it makes the game more boring in the sense u have less liberty to playa round with builds and in most cases those hybrid builds that people consider fun are usually bad. Altough the wow analogies are nice wow isnt a good example of balance at all, in fact its one of tge worse pvp games in terms of balance and nin isnt a traditional mmo that needs roles. Its an mmo rpg were people can choose and have the liberty of becoming any kind of ninja they want I forgot to mention fan and pipe are already 100% confirmed to be locked
  8. South


    you choose the best mastery to level with and one of the best teamfight ones aswell. gl on your journey young one. besides doing ur 3 dailies and figuring the other side quests i dont think u need anymore advice as this game is very easy. dont eb discouraged with the slow leveling. it usually takes 3 weeks- 1 month for an experienced to reach lvl 50 which is were the real game begins but you will probably take 2-3 months. make friends and people u can play with swo your experience is better cause this game has a decent rp focus. gl
  9. its simple. if ur a mistie u have an unfair advantage over anyone else in this game cause ur summons are the top tier summons in the game. Secondly summons arent exactly consistent they are mostly reng based since the coding is so buggy its a mechanic that doesnt work too well in 1v1s and shines more in teamfights. Thirdly because some combos with sumons are 2 broken. if a light user has a panda and the opposite ninja gets stunned by the panda its over. the light user gonna get a full combo. And fourth but not least. 1v1s with summons arent fun cause it takes away from the skill involving in 1v1s. the suggestion isnt bad but its not really what people want.
  10. @Niti some prices u have in this list are wrong -> Rare drops (market prices): ill give u the wrong priced items and their correct price since its clear u prolly never bought or sold one of these: Twin_Fangs 2500 - 3000 ryo each ( they barely sell even at these prices) Religious_Katana 2500 - 3000 ryo each ( they barely sell even at these prices) Black_Fan 5000-6,000 ryo each (this range is more accurate since they are pretty rare on the market and usually always sell for max price) Red_Scarf 5000 - 8000 (this barely sells even at min price) Shirokata 5000-7000 (even at these prices shirokata barely sells. i dunno how u got 40k+) Bandit_Blade 5000-7000 (same reasoning as shirokata) Banditpants 30,000-35,000 (even tho they are rare they usually go for this amount i have bought 4 in the past 2 months for this price range) Tonfa 180,000-220,000 (i dunno were u got the previous prices from but last 10 base tonfas all sold for above 200k) Blood Katana 50,000- 75,000 (even at these prices ranges barely sells and it only holds value cause of the puppet pieces) BloodTonfa 300,000-350,000 ryo each (300k min price is more accurate as i have never seen ones going for less) Also ceramic war armor 55000 - 90000 ( i have personally sold 5 of these for over 80k in the past 5 months altough they do take a while to sell).
  11. great post plz make this happen. +1
  12. Great suggestion. this would make the teamfight strategy way more complex and interesting cause reviving and executing would actuallyserve as very important role now +1 great post