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  1. time investment heavily outmatch revenue leaving you with nothing but frustration @Atrane on his 300th kill like some ainz ooal gown
  2. no. there's alot of people that invested too much time leveling account, farming rare items and such a wipe would waste everyone's time and effort.
  3. as crazy as this might sound, just straight up remove ff from rogues or increase party sizes for rogues temporarily
  4. here's how to get leaf a weapon -get a job -get money -get some more money -pay a pixel artist to make you 6 jutsus of Super beast scroll - pay them some more for the weapon n animation - bribe rory to replace gf with Super beast style - give rory some more money to delete all gf files cuz that sht be toxic even if its not in the game
  5. dnt have the main character syndrome that has gone rampant within the leaf village n we good
  6. sparkzz plays tai now, idk who this man is anymore
  7. Charisma buff, makes people double sub just by looking at me. As the Samehada wielder i'll gladly accept this buff Assuming this post will be forwarded to him, i'll take the opportunity to tell rory that sadly samehda is bugged and isn't draining the opponent's chakra as it should.
  8. As i said earlier this wouldnt be no different than a normal raid where the opponent army just kill everything in their way the army going out of their way to go kill lowbies in lowbie grinding maps is very rare because killing lowbie give little to nothing it's time wasting and basically giving the defending team time to prepare. Even if people start doing that to send them to the village (danger zone) it would still be a useless move, killing lowbies give barely anything in DZ and they would most likely be on BI, run straight out of the village. This is still no different than a normal raid. @Antar If this becomes an event it ruins the whole purpose of raiding the village, It's either the defending camp will overprepare with traps everywhere making piercing their defense line impossible, or they will all just log out/hide in hosp if they know they won't be able to defend Part of the fun in a raid is the element of surprise where you have to move your army fast and quietly, sometimes not killing anyone on the way just so u have a chance to enter the enemy village. If i gather 20 people to raid leaf and leafies for the event, and leafies know about it and just traps their whole gate, it kinda ruins the fun to not have the element of surprise it would be no better than map camping.
  9. This is not gonna affect lowbies in anyway, this wont be any different than normal village raids - village gets raided -raid points gets taken - the raiders eventually die to BI warriors n people loggin in or leave for the next village. This suggestion is not targeting lowbies maps so it's not encouraging lowbie killing in anyway, when there's a raid everyone in the village dies if your defense line falls. Changing village maps to DZs after all the raid points get taken is beneficial to both sides or probably even more risky for raiders, as soon as they are done taking raid points if they don't leave immediately the village will have enough time to gather people and defeat the raiders while also claiming their bounties, I fail to understand in which way this suggestion encourages lowbie killing/camping.
  10. i pray you in my Hatian language rory make this happen
  11. omw to reset to leaf
  12. balancing a game around ping is just unreasonable. and yeah pillar is not supposed to hit 100%, it's a gamble. most people will be able to get out of it and punish you, at this point im just repeating myself
  13. Black rain has 80 ping a96479f3d0c301531f5cb42952dd8a5a.mp4 I Have 30~40 ping 4e646633b6cc3b175525d22dc2b6f33d.mp4
  14. cutter into pillar is a huge gamble it's far from being 100% hitrate lmfaooo. CC chain that strong should not be guaranteed in any case there's a slight window after being hit by cutter u can flicker/sub/cancel pillars it works for eu players aswell unless u have like 200~300 ping cutter->pillars isn't guaranteed to hit you Casting pillars right after cutter leaves you vulnerable it's either your opponent will flicker/sub out of it and since you will be self stunned you will be left open -- Or it works and u can unload ur sht Making pillars 1.8 sec would be insane, it guarantees pillar to hit after cutter leaving no counter play or ways to avoid it. IT wouldn't be a gamble anymore it would be straight up broken think about it for a sec its like buffing cutter stun to 6 secs
  15. lmfao balancing the game around high ping players would be silly wouldn't it