
Gold Ninja
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    Danger Zone

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  1. Eating so many oreos has made you become an oreo.... fatty. Ainz Ooreo Gown
  2. I know you said it is not currently a priority, but it is quite literally unplayable when you have armies of 10+ who cannot damage eachother. This game is numbers reliant, you are basically telling us rogues we cannot have the same exact privilege they have. I don't think that's fair for us who want to enjoy the game, considering 60% of the game is in leaf.
  3. Poison Scalpel can be easily dodged by running diagonal. If you don't want to get flicker scalpeled, and then comboed, Try to not leave yourself open for attack.
  4. It's time to make yourself 10,000 ryo richer, my friend.
  5. The red or blue one's are calling my name. If this makes it into the game, Yakuza is going to have more than just purple teletubbies now.
  6. Take that up with @Woo
  7. They look great, wedding or no wedding. Looks like Prince @Woo will have something to wear for when he marries Drusilla.
  8. Brush up on your world history my friend, this is the revolution.
  9. Not only is it good for RP, but it will also give ex-kage a permanent place of remembrance and history. I think giving 6 months of your time in office is worth having a place on the wall.
  10. Amazing as always Maguma!
  11. Although I agree to get on board with focusing on teamwork, it is beyond that. Nerf the first tier Bubble/Fans or lock them to the masteries. Its obvious they have a clear advantage over others without it. It's beyond Sand and Mist villages anymore. There are so many rogues that use them that it's getting out of hand.
  12. Arsonist

    BI Timer

    @Erox may we ask for your opinion? I think this is honestly a pretty reasonable suggestion, Gameplay reason : considering this would probably reduce BI-warrioring and people are going to want to stay in the hospital to heal up to get back in the game quicker. Lore reason : Hospital full of medical ninja should allow you to be able to recover from your wounds quicker than it would if you were bandaged up, running around and straining your body.
  13. First off, @Ueda I wanted to say that this is a pretty wonderful idea considering there are so many wonderfully hilarious moments that happen throughout nin that should be documented in history. I highly recommend @Bonsai for this task. His hand drawn art is pretty amazing and the art style is definitely up to par with a lot of the actual Manga. And I'm sure he would be more than ecstatic to contribute once again to this game. Shout outs to Bonsai for that very cool Oni-Mask concept and making it come true.