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Hayate last won the day on December 22 2015

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  1. ^all the this But yeah I don't think it'd ever not be an advantage to be multi-platform, it's just a matter of when the right time is.
  2. I use all 3 OS's depending on where I'm at or what purpose I'm doing. (My office I work at has all danke Mac's since it's a development place, my old POS laptop has Ubuntu on it because it runs better than windows on oldware, and my gaming desktop has Windows because I got tired of dicking around with Wineskins when it was hackintosh.) Only reason I don't own a mac atm is as a university student it's not in my budget, otherwise I'd prefer Mac/Linux as UNIX is pretty much superior to windows in terms of resource usage, and for a lot of tasks on the programming/server administration and what not. (Terminal is bae), That said I don't think this poll really conveys the value of being multi-platform though. It's a given our current community is going to be almost entirely windows-based, for multiple reasons and cause right now all you can play it on is windows. It's only natural everyone will say Windows. I think once it's in our stars to move to something that allows us to be multi-platform, it'll always worth it. More players without a doubt. Besides, Nin Online is the kind of casual game that is playable on nearly every computer. If we hypothetically were multi-platform, you wouldn't just be covering Windows from old to new, you'd now run the gamut with nearly any Mac or Linux box that's post 2003. (IIRC that's when Mac made the intel switch?)
  3. I'm quite the patient individual Rory!
  4. Still can't decide though between going the sand route or waiting for cloud
  5. もうすぐ、僕は日本に留学するに行く…だれも日本語を話せる...勉強したい...

    I'm studying in Japan soon. Anyone speak Japanese? I want to study...

    1. Akiro


      Yeah that grammar, just terribles :(

      And that use of kanji, some of it is wrong

    2. Hayate


      Typos fixed: もうすぐ、僕は日本に留学する… だれが日本語を話せる? 勉強したい...

      I was writing a different sentence and forgot to delete the ni iku >.> Also in casual form, so I added in a question mark, forgot about this being in writing and questions not being obvious in casual form...

      Also what kanji are wrong? I'm pretty sure they're all 100% right... If you could correct me,  I'd appreciate it.

  6. Alright- that's a lot more reassuring/makes me feel a lot better about applying. Thanks man
  7. I am currently a web developer who meets those criteria... and I am ever so tempted to apply buuuuut I really don't know if I can make the time commitment. Any kind of idea on what it involves hour wise per week? I'll be in Japan for 6 months starting in April, so I'm not sure I'll be playing/doing lots of computing.
  8. My member titles/group should be changed to "Nin Online's Unlucky Bastard"
  9. Lol as fate has it, I missed all this and the closed alpha again xD At least it's live and I can finally play haha
  10. Ha appreciate it, Rory, but I'm okay with waiting until next time. I'd rather not waste your precious time! I've been waiting since the magdreamer days and I will always wait for Nin Online
  11. Back when Gold became a thing it was the first donation I ever made to a project like this. I didn't think it would go anyone where but I took the chance because I really wanted to believe. As the joke goes, I've never played the game. I've missed every alpha and preview due to my circumstance just not lining up luckily, despite being invited to each. Even then, I'm nothing but excited, proud, and happy for this. I can't wait to finally hit the sandy dunes of Suna
  12. That'd be sweet. Been a member and donator since the very first one, but due to work, I'm not home on weekdays and don't have internet so I always seem to miss it xD I'll make sure to save my vacation time for the next alpha haha.
  13. I missed early access again. lol.