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  1. @Ueda how long we must wait for this option
  2. 1. A man who knows nothing can teach you nothing.(Nik) 2. Buying kills to cbk/bounty is a piece of cake? 3. When you start playing a new game, you don't check its tutorials on the forum and you don't ask how to play, usually the game teaches you this. 4. The fact that over 100 people were banned does not change the fact that the game is empty. 5. @Ueda is an admin and punished the cheaters, 6. No one is interested in your life. 7. A man who can't do anything, can't teach you anything.(Nik) the player base is only toxic to such morons 8. But keep on playing your game and don't force the new player on these flaping rules, every new player for nin is salvation
  3. nik is a trashtalker, don't read his comments
  4. We have years of backlog of features and ideas to implement. We finished this today. Tada. First suggested in 2013. your suggestion will be considered in 2029.
  5. next good suggestion (admin sleeping sorry)
  6. can you add a cooldown to switching weapons? (30 seconds is ok)
  7. as usual, someone will write a good suggestion, admins are ignore, missions ww / cbk they are too hard to do because you can't meet people in danger zone aesthetics don't write such nonsense
  8. Hello I have some suggestions for repairing pills and oils. 1. Can you make them work every time we press them because if you have a selected guy who is dead, he won't use it on you, but goes to cd 2. You can use the pills and oli at the same time, but save old cooldowns after use. imo these changes allow for longer pvp battles and give chances for you to 1v2 / 1v3 fights
  9. Answer 1. 2. pvp is the best and only thing about this game this is what i mean kage is to be powerful
  10. @Erox What would you say to forbid the kage from joining the corp but make the kage cap act like akat rings only give more stats something 40 or 50 total stats. There is only one Kage
  11. Can you add buy 10 option to the charm shop?
  12. I noticed this problem after the update with smooth bullets, monsters jam, the same clipping effect as I run and use skills
  13. it would be nice if this poison senbon worked as it should