
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. This has always been really annoying. the hitbox is super weird for this jutsu.
  2. Maybe we can finally do something with Tanzaku or Asoki to make it useful. Another thing I was going to add, to counter Ainz's argument, but also reinforce @Naer's suggestion, What's stopping a Daimyo (Whether it be the land of fire, or land of water) RP wise to make laws for this area (the auction house) to avoid having people murder each other like animals.
  3. Just a friendly reminder that this was a template taken directly from Piranha's term. You know, the term that ended and you threw a childish tantrum because of it? yeah. Let's not act like it was your ground breaking idea to offer a bribe system for the village. I see you're still grasping for some kind of relevance after losing Kage / Silver. Have a nice day.
  4. As it stands, the current organization system has a big "LEAVE" button on the bottom of the org menu and offers no confirmation if somebody were to accidentally click the button. This has happened to myself and a few others in the past and would be a nice QoL update for organizations. Thank you
  5. Please Rory Christ I beg you. PLEASE, Give us an option to bribe the casino employee to pay off Okada / Yozo's debt, or allow us to bet more ryo at a time. This mission is so terrible it's taken me more than 6 hours, I'll get a 777, then lose 100 times in a row and I'm back at 0. We will take anything at this point. I feel like I'm losing my mind trying to get these done. I'm tired of seeing these in my mission logs @Ueda@Erox