While I do believe leaf is at a disadvantage the only weapon I can possible agree with is the monkey staff but remember there is a reason Sand and Mist have Fan and Pipe. It's simply because their hidden masteries require it. Fan is rarely used by non wind users especially after lvl30-35 and pipe I have to say is op. I also have a few points to make on this topic.
1)My issue with this topic is that combat in nin should never be even or fair for each side, there should be some kind of upset wiether it's masteries, lvls, village, numbers etc. and that's what keeps this game enjoyable.
2)Adding the weapon just because Sand and Mist have one has no guarantee it would make fights more "balanced" or "fair" in the DZs and I seriously doubt the day will come where a side isnt at a disadvantagein Nin Online.
3)Your making it out as leaf being weak but they have shown time and time again that they can win against fan and pipe even with the "massive disadvantage"
4) While I understand the frustration about going against fan and pipe you yourself made them out to be OP why ask for a weapon on that same level? I always used to say that why ask for something as broken instead of asking for a nerf or making posts about it, it makes zero sense to bash something that's broken then ask for an item to match it's power or counter it. Fan and Pipe are in the game for a reason and instead of asking for a weapon to match it how about asking for a nerf so leaf's "massive disadvantage" is diminished.
These are my thoughts on this whole debate.