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  1. I dont like this, earning those badges/ranks should involve actually contributions to the community imo not just sale posting things that can get asked in the very active discord server. I dont get what your doing for these new badges/ranks.
  2. Yea I agree with all of your points Hageshi. I've only been on nin online for about a year and 2-3months and holy sale it's been wild. I admire all staff for working so hard to make sure this game runs and events are held to entertain the player base. This game played a major part in getting me through quarantine, the people and friends I met in this game, the spats discord pvp, the rivalries made quarantine ALOT more entertaining and kept me sane. (for the most part >_>) I just wanna see this game grow more and more. The community can act like a pack of wild animals but like you said it's cool to see everyone from different parts of the globe be themselves and interact. My major complaint tho is that levelling starts to feel so tedious and repetitive at lvl40 so those 10lvls feel like 20.
  3. Yeah I am there are supposed to be ups and downs, disadvantages and advantages making everything "fair" in terms of how powerful the weapon would make nin much less fun of a game. If everything was on an even playing field light would be able to dominate in pvp exactly like water and GF would be able to be as good as team fights as earth. So yes nin shouldnt be a game where everyone has the same chance to win in a 1v1 or team fights regardless of mastery or weapon in hand. The fact that there are advantages and disadvantages in this game makes it fun to play
  4. There should never be an even playing field in a game like nin, there should always have up and downs to each side.I never said that they didnt have an advantage I was stating that you saying that leaf has a massive disadvantage is making it out as leaf cant win a fight against them and that leaf has shown that they can win with your so-called massive disadvantage. Why dont you think pipe and fan need a nerf yet you complain about them, it makes no sense. It is much better to nerf thier CCs than to add a weapon for leaf so it can be as broken as sand a mist's weapons. Adding something for leaf so they have a unique weapon is fine but adding it to be broken like fan or pipe isnt
  5. While I do believe leaf is at a disadvantage the only weapon I can possible agree with is the monkey staff but remember there is a reason Sand and Mist have Fan and Pipe. It's simply because their hidden masteries require it. Fan is rarely used by non wind users especially after lvl30-35 and pipe I have to say is op. I also have a few points to make on this topic. 1)My issue with this topic is that combat in nin should never be even or fair for each side, there should be some kind of upset wiether it's masteries, lvls, village, numbers etc. and that's what keeps this game enjoyable. 2)Adding the weapon just because Sand and Mist have one has no guarantee it would make fights more "balanced" or "fair" in the DZs and I seriously doubt the day will come where a side isnt at a disadvantagein Nin Online. 3)Your making it out as leaf being weak but they have shown time and time again that they can win against fan and pipe even with the "massive disadvantage" 4) While I understand the frustration about going against fan and pipe you yourself made them out to be OP why ask for a weapon on that same level? I always used to say that why ask for something as broken instead of asking for a nerf or making posts about it, it makes zero sense to bash something that's broken then ask for an item to match it's power or counter it. Fan and Pipe are in the game for a reason and instead of asking for a weapon to match it how about asking for a nerf so leaf's "massive disadvantage" is diminished. These are my thoughts on this whole debate.