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  1. Also we need more content in general, so if you guys can send ss's of in game events or w/e you guys want can contact us, because weekly its hard to see something relevant on game, also we still beeing newbies with this so yeah, if you guys want to help we will take everything we can.
  2. Seeing how talented people are in Nin online through this post I just wanna ask GM's to have this thread active even after the release of housing. Still looking for good stuff around here because holy, we do have some good artist here on the community. Also want to say that this can be a big oportunity for a lot of talented people, so don't be afraid of submitting your art and helping the game even if you think you will lose.
  3. Gotta say this is our first job and we don't have really that much to say today, but in the future we will add a lot of content poggers.