
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Azuuki

  1. Hey so I am on CE right now at this moment and I can't see shit what is my kage saying like literally His color is gold like bunch of other people there and when people are spamming you can't see really his questions/msgs. So suggestion is to give Kages different color in game or just chat so we can see clearly commands from our leaders.
  2. Today we are presenting to all of you interview with @Ueda enjoy! Here PDF : PP_Brothers_newspaper_19_july (1).pdf
  3. Welcome to our another release of P&P Newspaper, in this release we got @Erox the Lead GM answering our dumb questions enjoy!. Here is the PDF version to download : PP_Brothers_newspaper_12_july.pdf Who should we get next to do interview with us? Let us know in comments below
  4. PP_Brothers_newspaper.pdfHere is a PDF version of Newspaper Welcome fellow ninja's, me and my brother @Poggers would like to introduce all of you to our newest RP project that will be like a newspaper. It will contain alot of segments like interviews, photo of the week, insult of the week and more similar stuff like that. I hope you will enjoy our work and atleast 1 person will read it all lmao. We will be posting or atleast trying to post one newspaper a week. So if you got any content for us just DM us Pog#1000 and Poggers#2623. Thanks to @Vaxure for doing that interview with us, we hope that coach was comfy and lemon cake mady by babushka was tasty. PP_Brothers_newspaper.pdf
  5. Azuuki


    Sorry @Lumy@SparkZZ@FreezeHud
  6. Azuuki


    Notebook Lmao you are actually the one that cries the most since you got x+1 alts about them getting killed
  7. Azuuki


    Notebook So more people will see it and you will eventually answer to that, also forum is for posts like that so people can share their ideas and other stuff, more sandies will respond there than in your and mine DM's
  8. Azuuki


    Notebook Wym DM, there is drama everyday about that shit in discord and you are not doing anything about it, even your councils agrees that this shit is stupid
  9. Azuuki


    Notebook So uh, hello my sand villagers and everyone else who's gonna read it. It is all about the thing we call "Peacelist" that shit that doesn't exist but still is in used. @Lumy's rules are really simple. "there is no peace list" and "kill every ninjas that are not part of our village" seems clear right? Not at all, whenever I am trying to kill someone all I can see is "He is alt of ???" "I am alt of ???" and I am like, there is no peace list so i don't care if you are alt of sandie or no then comes the hate from everyone "Man we told you he is sandie" "wtf why you kill me?" "what the fuck are you doing bro" and other shitty comments like that, I am following rules of @Lumy and what the fuck everyone else is doing with not following them even if they see friendly missing ninja that left our village its still our enemy so if one of our village members gonna attack them they should help instantly since they are not part of our village right now, it doesn't matter if they are sandies on their main/alts. What matters is on which character they are online right now at this moment. Alot of people says also "what if someone will kill your missing alt?" i don't fucking care about it, its missing you are villager we are enemies even if i am lvl 1 and you are 50. Just fucking start thinking about rules that you are following and that are set becuse this shit is annyoing, trying to kill someone and 594093 msg are coming that he is alt of someone, stick to 1 character if you are crying about every kill of your missing alt. There are 2 options. 1 - stick to the rules that are set now in notice board. 2 - change the fucking rules and do the peace list so people won't cry anymore. Thats all from me this shit is getting annyoing.