
Gold Ninja
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Elric last won the day on May 23 2014

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  1. Thank you so much for this. just returning and I needed some direction!
  2. Someone always has be a jerk about the name lol
  3. I don't have a problem with making my own character, I've RPed some before. I enjoy his character, I like the name. So, I chose it as my forum name. What is so laugh out loudable about that?
  4. If your eventually going to have multiple characters then how can your forums display name effect the way you do the chunin exams in game?
  5. I'll never change my name, but it seems cool for those that do.
  6. Can we get an ETA on when this will be revealed?
  7. Its awesome how the angle can make all the difference. Looks great.
  8. I'm a terrible artist, but I want the silver and a pencil.. lol. -reserved-
  9. This deployment is almost over, sooo close.

  10. It looks bad ass, I want it. lol. They're characters looks great in the in-game clips as well lol
  11. Those look great, I'm loving the Lightning style.
  12. I love the animations, they look great. I was wondering if each element is going to have its own kind of perk. (seeing the lightning effect gave me the thought) Fire-burn lightning-stun and so on or are those going to be specific attacks?
  13. These all look great, seeing the work being done for medical ninja skills I had a thought that has maybe been asked and answered before. Are we going to be able to fight a "world" boss in groups to get better loot or rare items? That's what having a medical ninja seems beneficial for in my opinion.