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  1. Nice read. @Eroxthis stuff should be promoted no cap
  2. Yes unfortunatly this game is entirely open world pvp there isnt a single area were u cant be killed outside of hospitals. For most people thats fun but theres also more casual gamers like yourself who dont like it and maybe this game isnt for you cause u can be killed literally anywhere. Like just so you understand the community loves this aspect so much theres alot of posts about removing safe zones to make kills count anywhere. This isnt some small post , its tons of posts like this and posts with alot of likes and views exactly because of the pvp aspect of the game that promotes pvp everywhere. i dont htink its gonna get any easier for casual players.
  3. If u think nin isnt hardcore pvp then your very mistaken. Literally 99% of the content is pvp based , the updats most of the community want more are balance updates , the whole point of leveling is so u can defend yourself in pvp and participate in tournaments and try to join official orgs to prove your power. Literally the entire community thrives around pvp, village raids , hunts , pvp events, scrims , official org scrims, daily automated pvp tournaments . Most of the official orgs only accept good pvp players exactly because there is a sense of pvp competition between villages. Theres literally an entire village were the political system is all based around pvp . I believe you are mistaken if you think this isnt hardcore pvp.
  4. this is just plain old trash talk. it happens in literally every mmo with a semi competitive scene. If u cant handle trash talk u should not be playing hardcore pvp games like nin .
  5. No cap if this is what you define as toxic you should not be playing this game. This game is very unforgiving in the sense u can pvp anywhere. If ur not into full pvp games then just stop playing cause you wont have fun this game is all around the pvp and the competition and theres missions that actively incentivize people to go out and kill lowbies to complete the missions. Its also very common to just defend your own village territory thats why u get killed on sight by enemy ninjas. Clearly this game isnt for you i wish you the best but forum posts like this wont change much. Regarding the lack of clarity on were u can read up on guides etc i dont think anyone disagrees with you on that. The game does need some polishing on regards of making it easier for new players to learn certain terms or just how the basics work.
  6. That map has been a work in progress for years i been around for almost 2 years and havent really seen any dev talk about it. mostly just unused space for future content is my guess.
  7. Not wanting to bash this post but nin has long been just a very hardcore pvp mmo, all rp aspects are dead including official org rps and even kage rps. Even if u want to revive it theres not enough players to bring any relevance back to it cause majority of the player base doesnt care about it and just wants the game to progress like a normal mmo. I think your beating a dead corpse wont lie to you. I been playing for almost 2 years and rp is non existent asside from very specific moments and even in thise moments its not taken serious at all. Besides the big issue of the majority of player base not caring enough you also have another issue: how will you even rp if most people dont. Unless you enforce rp rules which is very hard to do consistently no one is even gonna try to rp and everytime u try u either will be killed while you type or they just gonna a laugh at you. It just doesnt seem very realistic. I would love for it to comeback but it doesnt seem doable
  8. My guy you know i can see your acc was created 16of april? typical new player.
  9. From this post its clear to see your a new plaer. the reason this is the way it is its because people would abuse boat tp to escape fights.
  10. Great post with alot of interestant ideas that arent that hard to pull off that would dramastically change late game pve content for the best. +1 pls add this @Erox
  11. Danger zones simply dont have anything for players besides specifics zones like bandits or hosts. Theres no incentive to danger zone pvp besides the bounties and that simply isnt enough money wise nor reward. The fights usually arent any fun. Currently the only reason to go out to dz is kill missions like cbk or bh and traversing to other maps for daily missions
  12. shitetsu paralyzed and ryutezku over ethan