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  1. 99% of the times the kage of the person that want to leave will say no so you eat sht on takumi
  2. ... you know majory of the reasons these things arent added is cause we cant Not enough pixel artists
  3. Fuketzu

    Map lock.

    stupid idea, i hope i dont need to explain why to anyone
  4. I think that before fixing snake, they should also buff toad, fix slug, fix hawk, and buff normal puppets, since in leaf case, snake is our 'best option, since slug is mediocre, and toad average/below sand and mist summons, mist summons or atleast panda are very strong comparing them to the other summons in my opinion but i honestly didnt go deep in the summon best-option difference
  5. Fuketzu

    Thanks !!

    bro rumaki you, me and all know that we see ur posts cause they're very good edited videos, less texts, more editing plz. joke aside ye gl in ur journey exodia
  6. nah just had to search Sin Nin online on instagram and found ur irl photo
  7. i mean, i want to be honest, and not be toxic, so in resume: who gives a single fk LOOLOLOLOOLOLOL
  8. Mitsuhide Resume: 1: Hit 1: Destiny 1: BI 1: Visit to hosp 1: -100 ryo 1: 8 minutes
  9. and most of the bosses are easy as his 'way' to kill them, but its just tedious needing to repeat the same for like 20 minutes for kill it, more like fun, its like : Repeat the same you did the first time 100 times more and get the chance of get a drop that has 0.5% chance of dropping! boring..
  10. Ye, i think, that if rory ever reads this, he needs to start giving better/atleast a REWARD, for do difficult things/tedious things, cause most of the time we work alot for something but wont get anything out of it, or what we get, is nothing, as example bandits arc right now, around 40-50 blood vials for tools, yes, the missions gives alot but after the mission each boss gives like 1 blood vial lol, thats not even worth to think.
  11. I think majory of the problems of this game, is that WORK ---------------------------- reward: -----
  12. i agree with you but the mud river, the effect is like 3-4 seconds, its very small for reduce it, maybe 1 second but the time u got slow I is very low
  13. Bad mission, terrible reward, no offense, but its not worth to try, it giv es a very bad reward for the risk it has, u can get 777 and still lose it all, they should make the casinos more worth so people need to go there for a actual reason