Rikuo Uchiha

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  1. Bring orgs back for special techniques maybe we could see a little of kekei genkai from clans maybe and i think the lowbie arc is a pretty good idea
  2. Alright ive been thinking about sc alot ever since transform was added and i think my idea would be pretty fun Tier 1 Shadow Clone basically acts like a summon takes about 2 seconds to cast and u have to stay still while casting however this clone is a 1 hit kill like in the anime Tier 2 Shadow Clone Now this is the fun one and will be useful in hunts/raids once u summon this clone it creates a duplicate version of yourself that you can control and move around with just like your regular player however while your controlling your clone your real body is completely still so u wont know if someones attacking u so becareful in this clone state once u get hit u go back to your real body. In the clone state you have all ur regular chakra and 1hp ofc u cannot mapswitch with this because that would be annoying as hell like imagine you think you caught drusilla lacking at BH and it turns out to be a clone id be pissed off ? and the cooldown should be really mad because some people will just hide somewhere and use this and just troll.
  3. so you guys know how if u do /t while ur in a team you can speak directly to your team or if you do /v while your in village aivery u can speak to your entire village? i was wondering it would be nice if you could do /o to speak to ur org this would make hunting better for rogue orgs especially since we can only get like 4 people on squad this way u could speak to everyone in your org thats online
  4. Ninken- Change fur color Snake-Change scale colors and eyes Toad-change Color pattern Monkey- Change fur color aswell as staff color Weasel- change fur color and scythe color Panda- Change White color black remains Hawk- Change feather color Clam- change color Slug- Change color