
Silver Ninja
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  1. Lmao
  2. These additions certainly do the trick, I personally like how things look now on here a lot better than the older styling! also interested in how that guild system would work in the future.
  3. Honestly when I think about it, things like the matchmaking system that someone suggested awhile back, the leaderboards and other game modes like ana primals capture the flag game mode would make that matchmaking idea greater than before, I guess sorta like a call of duty type thing if I had to compare it for gamemodes but my main point is the more gamemodes the better for the matchmaking idea that someone else had awhile back (sorry I can't remember who it was) Do it like how some games have ranked and non ranked, make it so where people who excel in ranked over time get things that won't affect the normal part of the game like perhaps titles like the "Ronin" one or "The chosen one" for example or skins, just subtle things like that could go along way tbh for expanding content past the end of the game for the base world and hey it would even probably motivate players to make builds for those game modes themselves which in turn promotes the overall longevity of the games content that and the leaderboard system someone mentioned before, if people aren't about the sweaty pvp life though then how about more pve things as well like dungeons and stuff which could also have that with a team which might be hard to make sure but would keep the other side of the player base happy as well that would also use the matchmaking, basically meshing well thought out good ideas other players had together all in one format that works with one another.
  4. Honestly erox is definitely onto something, People hitting the level cap and getting rank in villages to then just become inactive is an issue and I believe things like this can help prevent that from happening as much as it has, I hope some of these ideas or ideas similar to it get considered
  5. This solved my issue, I don't understand how using this method of linking over the other one I tried made it work but it did lol, thank you very much delp your the mvp!
  6. I have had this issue with my account since I've started the game and was forwarded here by staff/gm