Don Tormenta

Silver Ninja
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Everything posted by Don Tormenta

  1. Greetings @Miq " Erox 25/12/2022 13:52 For anyone having problems with nin crashing on map switch (while using amd gpu) try to downgrade your gpu drivers - ver 22.8.2 seems to work fine (if it will fail to you try some older one but no older than year or so) there is some problem with latest amd drivers, not sure what causes that but we found multiple cases of map crashing using latest drivers" ~ Delp This should fix it
  2. Water WM is good in small skirmishes, not as impactful as WM lightning tho, who can stunlock a priority target (Chidori - Spear - Pillars if u will go with enough INT for it) Water WM so far can offer the Water Prison, which is a snare
  3. Wassup homie; I've got both, in my experience playing them, Water/WM is just way superior 1v1 wise, since you can combo off anything practically + 2 subs makes you a really "Slippery" enemy WM/Light is also good in 1v1 + U can pull crazy combos off it, in 2v2s it shines due to it's target pickup potential I suggest u to make a poll and think what are u looking for the most; if 1v1 wise, Teamfighting wise, etc
  4. Wassup It trully depends of your luck, in Villages you can get lots of Retrieve the Compromised Documents mission, which gives like 130ishk EXP (Almost 200k on bless), as Rogue you can get Either CBKs or BH, which are easy if you got money to buy the kills/bounty I'd suggest to go back to the village and lvl up to 40 at least, so they can help you out with stuff like lv40 arc or more missions
  5. If someone's ursurpating your identity, report it to a GM, they will handle it
  6. Check out my Ninja Bio and Albums bois, hit dat Follow Buttom and join the Fisherman's club!

    1. Baby


      question is why u have sand hospital bgm on ur pfp when ur LEAF >:(
      followed, follow me back! 

  7. Both are really hard indeed, you'll need a partner to lvl properly early on until 15 at least If you want a more new friendly one, I'd say Fire
  8. I mean, maybe when the crafting system drops (Who knows when) we will be able to increase the tool limit; I would love to see different ways to get tools instead of being forced to buy them, even creating some sort of zone that Drops all ur items on death including tools would be lit
  9. The guy that sells tools in Takumi says that he gets them from dead bodies in the battlefield; make certain enemies (Humanoids on LOI let's say) drop X ammount of X tools, easy
  10. Since you're CHK Med lv15, and if you're by yourself, I'd suggest to spam Coyotes/Wolves/Foxes, since they got pretty low hp and are non-aggro Enemies, I hope this helps you out!
  11. We also need more RP events, not just PvP, +1!
  12. Ty for participating, and ty for watching big nubbos, also ty to the host @Average
  13. The desired moment, when those 2 young ninjas decided to be devoted to each one; this is the peak of what NinOnline can offer to us, not just bonds in game, but also Outside of it
  14. After 2 long hours of wedding, it's finally happening
  15. A rogue ninja @Surfacecoming in and interrupting the Wedding
  16. My fellow ninjas joining to a group pic celebrating my marriage
  17. This is me and Eymon after getting Married
  18. Don Tormenta

    Leaf Wedding (Feb 14th, 2023)

    Leaf wedding that was held in the Leaf Hospital Roof; where the Na's had their marriage.