Don Tormenta

Silver Ninja
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Don Tormenta last won the day on August 1 2023

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About Don Tormenta


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    Leaf Village

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  1. Don Tormenta

    April 18th's Battle Between Leaf and Mist

    Album dedicated for the big fight that was held April 18th between Leaf and Sand, in an agreed 15v17 on Bears map.
  2. Don Tormenta

    First Leaf Clan War, April 23th 2023

    Album dedicated to the first Clan Wars held in the leaf Village, which had the participation of all the Official and Un-Official clans!
  3. My top 25 Mechanical Players. 1. @Boo 2. @Black Rain 3. @Jin 4. @Hades 5. @Enver 6. @Vipe 7. @Yin Katara 8. @Piranha 9. @Ainz Ooal Gown 10. @Static 11. @SparkZZ 12. @Donatello Johnson 13. @Lumy 14. @fox 15. @Shanks 16. @Paralyzed 17. @Ninjutsu 18. @Scalpel 19. @Hasan 20. @Shintetsu 21. @Woo 22. @SDZ 23. @Sin 24. @Blade 25. @Ryutekzu Respect these players for keeping the skill-cap high. Mechanics Anything to do with your hands (your ability + speed to react + execute things of complexity. "things" can be combos, precise movement or combinations of multiple key inputs. Being able to do this consistently and under pressure, not just on a dummy) If this list was based on brain aswell it would be completly different. There are 2000+ people in Nin Discord everyone in the top 25 are insane players, mechanics isnt the only thing that counts in pvp. (Lemon has insane mechanics, even though Ainz is lower placed he will beat him)
  4. Greetings, Tormenta here! Pardon Request are avaiable now! We will be placing Free Pardon Requests until 04/14/2023, You can reach out any council Member or the Kage himself via Discord to start your Pardon Process. After that date, pardons are gonna be handled this way: For normal Pardons, you will have to pay a fee of 3,000 ryos in total; 1,500k Ryos to place your Pardon Request, 1.500 Ryos if it gets accepted, you will be Flagged. We will be using a Flagged System, which will last up to a month, you can remove your Flagged status by paying 8.000 ryos. (Flagged people cannot join Organisations, cannot win prizes from Leaf Events and are not elligible for Leaf Chunin Exams promotions). We will have NANL (New Alt New Life) policies, which will work this way: You will have to pay from 3,000 to 15,000 (Ammount is gonna be decided by the Kage) to place your request, Council will have the final choice of accepting or declining it. NANL Ninjas won't have Access to Leaf Discord, won't be able to join Organisations nor take part of Leaf Official Events and Chunin Exams. If your Pardon Request gets denied, you will have a 2 weeks cooldown until you can request another one. All the money collected from Pardon Request goes straight to the Leaf Bank, which gets used to Host events and payment to the Leaf Official Organisations. This should cover up how Pardons are gonna be working, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach any of the Council Members/Kage out on Discord or forums, we are excited about this new Leaf era, and we want you to be part of it. With that said, Leaf on Top!
  5. Don Tormenta


    NinOnline Forum PVP, love to see it.
  6. It's time to carry the Leaf Village once more, now as Council. (I want tor register as council candidate)
  7. Saw lots of Tais contemplating to switch to GF, I heard on the next Balance Patch they'll hand free stat resets tho
  8. Welcome!!! If anything, there are various guides around the forums about how to lvl up like: Jun's Guide: I hope you have a great time playing ma broski
  9. That's weird Let's hope Delp knows how to proceed, He's the best in these scenarios, gotta have som patience meanwhile
  10. Should be on this address if I'm right Nin Online\app\data files\logs
  11. Gotta wait for Delp to help you out then; should send ur ErrorLogs File meanwhile
  12. Greetings @Miq " Erox 25/12/2022 13:52 For anyone having problems with nin crashing on map switch (while using amd gpu) try to downgrade your gpu drivers - ver 22.8.2 seems to work fine (if it will fail to you try some older one but no older than year or so) there is some problem with latest amd drivers, not sure what causes that but we found multiple cases of map crashing using latest drivers" ~ Delp This should fix it
  13. Water WM is good in small skirmishes, not as impactful as WM lightning tho, who can stunlock a priority target (Chidori - Spear - Pillars if u will go with enough INT for it) Water WM so far can offer the Water Prison, which is a snare
  14. Wassup homie; I've got both, in my experience playing them, Water/WM is just way superior 1v1 wise, since you can combo off anything practically + 2 subs makes you a really "Slippery" enemy WM/Light is also good in 1v1 + U can pull crazy combos off it, in 2v2s it shines due to it's target pickup potential I suggest u to make a poll and think what are u looking for the most; if 1v1 wise, Teamfighting wise, etc