
Gold Ninja
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  1. During the 420-sale code i spent a lot of money on guild scrolls to level my guild Kyojaku. Through it i got a total of 7 levels added. Too much of my surprise, all of those levels got reverted due to the server restarting. Can i please get the levels back for this since it was a very big investment i spent on.
  2. @Envercan you explain the ep changes? And a better idea for regen system.
  3. I think its a great idea. a suggestion would be having these in maps wheres theres higher chances of running into other players instead of being nearby the village for it. for an example Dark clearing, Mainland Bounty house, Bandit bridge, etc.
  4. Bro you have no argument at all to what i stated above. let me give you the straight facts your brain cant seem to comprehend about the masteries at this point in time. Gf is not a bad mastery it is fine how it is; Let me reiterate this by going based off why its fine. First Gf has 3 ez to hit cancels along with a somewhat hard to hit cancel being 16 palms. both mountain crusher and palm inflict silence when used along with knocking foes back. Revolving heavens is a 3x3 like lighting current with more base damage and better scaling. You go to say a person with a brain can cancel scalpel and pressure point but you seem to be lacking the brain cells to cast those in front of someone, anyone smart enough will know to wait for their opportunity to get it off as its a 1 second cast time only cancelable by instant casts or cc wpns. Needless to say you made this post immediately after gf got nerfed without giving it a chance saying you could do better but the suggestions you gave are simply not good and just made up on the spot cause you think your half assed ideas are better. Now lets take a look at str wm: str wm has one cancel a 1 second WALK cast that is easy to dodge. Str wm has Wild slashes, blade piercing, and Dance of the crescent thats it. thats all the jutsus you'll see ever casted by a wm if that even is the case. So lets compare so far Gf with 3 cancels 2 of them having aoe and Str wm having 1 that is hardly reliable. Pure str wm is only viable because of the stat split allowing you to go a fast swinging sword and 1700 hp thats it. I can guarantee you if you went this build you wouldn't win at all because of how heavily reliant the mastery is on hitting Z. Before you make the case about twins everyone with 70 str can use them and running twins on pure wm isnt good compared to swords that give more pressure like bone, reli, crystal, etc. Let me finish this by saying quoting something you said " I want Gf to be non flicker reliant. But it's so bad rn it really need a rework. " this whole statement is just wrong and shows you barely know how to play your own mastery. At this moment in time Gf is not flicker reliant at all in fact its in the right direction for it be as far as way as possible. Theres no mastery that can be garbage while all of its jutsu work and have a purpose(unless its int med).
  5. It’s wild you think the mastery needs a rework cause of a combo being removed. Your gameplay has been changed from running until cds come up to chasing with z now and playing to cancel. You said your gf/med I don’t get how your having issues when you can stack pressure point needle and chakra scalpel to get around 70 base damage every z. So yes I will say it’s a dumb suggestion and you are in fact coping cause trying to win requires skill for once in a gf account. Also if you think gf is bad you clearly haven’t touched str wm.
  6. Gf players can’t flicker free dmg and run away to rinse and repeat so they ask for buffs to cope. Play the mastery out instead of suggesting dumb changes.
  7. I agree with ainz on this take the problem with str wm is it’s been relegated to being reliant on its melee it used to be a mix of both jutsu and z but with recent nerfs on all jutsus str wm has only one cancel if they play pure(and it’s a walk cast). That sword shouldn’t be changed for a while.
  8. Right now Orgs are bugged and Whenever Kages try to interact with them they get stuck in a black screen with no way of getting out unless a gm helps them. Woke and Esty have asked Gms for any assistance for using the new system to no avail. Will they ever get a reply back on how to work it anytime soon?
  9. Woo is marrying Adarya not drusilla. It'll be me and Drusilla that are getting married after @Woo wedding.
  10. The worst village to survey is sand because of this textbox. In mist and Leaf you can at least hide it. However sand has no area that can cover it. It makes no sense as to why a textbox needs to indicate that you are spying on them. I agree with the only way of finding out of someone is surveying is being through someone who had Guard duty mission instead of just seeing a giant box saying "im an enemy".