
Gold Ninja
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Nagumo last won the day on December 14 2020

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  1. Yes yami, splendid idea my friend... Z NATION PREVAILS!
  2. Part of bandit questline
  3. Nagumo

    New swords

    Only thing on the new swords is = they knockback and it's overuse of the same mechanic cause twin fangs already also did knockback.. why is there not a sword that can make you stumble after applying 2 or 3 stacks of bleed.. spice it up a little and make you slow like mud river does
  4. Just a simple man living his life.
  5. Nagumo

    Message to Nin

    When is jun getting silver smh
  6. Nagumo


    ''Heyyy! It's Chuu, alot of people know me as the suspected "DDOS" person but I'd never do such a thing.'' Not the only thing you known for LOL
  7. We dont believe in favouritism and then says element med combo increases chances hahahaha ye ye
  9. No map switch was something to be considered with the new client, the reason we have map switching is because of how NPCs mechanics work on nin rory said.. That being said i hope the game becomes one big map at some points with multiple ways too enter villages and what not, tired of seeing the same maps for years.
  10. Redue spawn time for weasel or add a second one or something, one every 30minutes
  11. Sleeping on my boy @Sava smh Shout my german brother @Vipe Oh and nice suggestion