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  1. Hi @Ueda, You've probably gotten a lot of backlash for the recent changes affecting Strength Weapon Masters. I'm not here to rant about your changes as it honestly did need a nerf, however I've come with a suggestion to soften the blow. Right now Risky Blade Dance doesn't cancel and self-stuns. My suggestion is that it should either cancel but still self-stun you, or not cancel but remove the self-stun. Risky is literally the easiest punishable ability in the game, the only thing you need to get right is the timing and you can punish someone for half their hp if they use Risky Blade Dance on you. Now that it self-stuns it gives players the ability to punish someone using Risky Blade Dance even harder since even if your punish timing is off, you still have the self-stun time to punish them. That's why I lean more towards remove the self-stun from Risky Blade Dance. Not being able to cancel is enough of a nerf for this ability. Most of us Weapon Masters prefer not to use the level 30 ability, since it's quite jarring to get right and easily predictable as well. We prefer using Risky Blade Dance to set up combo's for a more flashy and fast playstyle. If you understand our weeps, bring Risky Blade Dance some justice. Cheers.
  2. i highly agree since risky used to be the most easy punishable technique because you know the cast time and you know they always appear in front of you so you just mash your forehead into the keyboard the second they appear onto u if it could teleport them behind people it’d be better
  3. As we currently know everyone gets three daily missions which resets at a general time everyday. Yet sometimes even after you've done your dailies you'd like to put more time into the game and level your account interactively or either make ryo out of the missions, without having to kill the same mobs for countless boring hours for any result of XP. This method also really falls off in the higher levels with most masteries. After you've completed toads at level 35 you don't really have a choice but to rely on daily missions since that would your only consistent XP income. If you're either Fire/Earth/Water or in some circumstances Wind, you could choose to either go to the Snake Lair or to the Cursed Host Cave to mass kill them, however you will find this extremely hard as those maps are frequently being checked by hunters. As a Taijutsu/Medic/Kenjutsu/Lightning you don't even have this choice in my opinion since these masteries are more PVP/utility focused instead of clearing PVE content. Making leveling a real pain in the art. In some scenario's it's also thoroughly annoying when you have no time to do your three daily missions at a specific time or day, delaying your result of EXP. So when having to do dailies on a non PVE combo and missing out on them as well because you didn't have the specific time on your hands to do them before whenever the daily reset is in your continent you'll end up to be quite powerless against the system. I often get demotivated to level an account altogether because of that reason. For this reason it would be nice to have a mission system that could be both optimal for leveling whilst keeping the spirit of the current mission system. My suggestion is doing that by removing a daily cap of missions and instead add a cooldown to abandoning missions. This would function as followed. Prototype: When you abandon a mission you've grabbed from the mission desk you will receive an 8 hour cooldown until you'll be able to grab another mission. Meaning that if you abandon three missions in a row you'll have a 24 hour cooldown, keeping the spirit of the current daily mission system. However you'll also be able to keep doing the missions you get assigned to until you come to a point where you'd either have your daily cup of Nin Online sugar or you get a mission assigned you'd really prefer not doing, providing a consistent way to interactively level your accounts by yourself or with friends. This would widen your choice of leveling as some people rather choose PVE designated masteries and farm mobs, while other people choose PVP designated masteries and clear missions/tasks. Let me know your thoughts down below.
  4. Kage


    mist is where its at brother
  5. I am trying to get the snake summoning but it's not interacting with me, to rule some obvious possibilities out; I do have a summoning contract, I do not have a summoning yet. The only other reason would be that I am not a rogue. But then why can only a rogue interact with a summon that's available for everyone?