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Feezus last won the day on December 26 2013

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  1. A lot of banding.Jags, jags everywhere.The nose is lacking depth and it looks flat along with the rest of his face.The left side is clearly a flip of the right side (or vice versa).
  2. You sound silly. Any and everything can be overused and abused just like weed can, but that does not mean it's bad. That means those people who can't seem to grasp the concept of responsibility are irresponsible, but that in no way, shape or form, means weed (or anything else considered "bad") is the bad guy. Rehab? That's almost laughable. Weed is not, I repeat, is not, addictive. Addictions start and live in the mind. Anyone who says they are addicted to weed has serious issues. Please. If you think it's illegal because it's "harmful" to you, you are sadly mistaken.
  3. It's funny you'd say that. The anime did, in fact, mention the Sound village, one occurrence being in episode 136. It was referred to as a village. But then again, the anime usually isn't used in debates (..if you will) like this. I'm pretty sure we all know that already, though.
  4. > Posts legitimate manga facts > Responds with excuses and claims "outdated" *Flexes* It feels good to be a winner.
  5. Funny thing is, the manga only confirms what I've been saying. http://www.mangapanda.com/93-73-4/naruto/chapter-68.html http://i28.mangapanda.com/naruto/39/naruto-1961679.jpg
  6. Sound controls territory, and is marked on Naruto's world map.Sound has its own headband for its shinobi.Sounds like a village to me. Also, quoting the Naruto Wikipedia doesn't prove anything.
  7. Actually, Sound is a village.