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Everything posted by Slifer
I'm not going to finish making mine, but as I was doing it I realized how much I really love earth jutsu
We have here a nice place to host guests of Suna in the main room, and any enemies of sand get taken to the dungeon and locked for all eternity. Side note, I'm hiring a cleaning service. There are some stains I can't seem to get out.
I don't like this for the simple fact that it looks really cool to stand still and pillar someone behind you. And it plays into the whole ninja aspect of awareness. If someone is seven steps behind me, I'd like to think I could know they were there, let alone if I was a naturo based ninja. From a pvp perspective, idk. I'd have to play with it a while. It seems like it could be really annoying to use, cuz people would just run directly at you and in circles and random directions so you'd have to just hope and pray they are in front of you when it goes off.
I read the whole thing. You worded your opinion and potential solutions very well. I agree with the fan and pipe criticism heavily. Luckily, so does our Lord Rory. He has said he will be locking them. I do also heavily agree with the logic of having to choose a path with the healing or cc/damage side of medic. However, I think both paths would need to be worked on a lot and possibly have more jutsu designed specifically for the role. This is quite a lot of work, and I'd doubt it will be worked on soon, if at all. That is the only downside I think. Anything that doesn't mess with my beloved fire earth I'm fine with tbh >:)
I AM NOT SEIFER Sorry. But good idea.
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I'm going to drink myself into an RP death
I understand this way of thinking. It is easy to think we just got used to it being very good after having problems for so long, but that is not what this situation is. It really is as bad if not worse than it's ever been. We aren't just being spoiled. It's not just .5 sec delays. It's whole seconds of freezing, skipping massive numbers of tiles, mobs like bears or wolves hitting you from long range, mobs standing still and hitting air but you take damage anyways no matter how far away, projectiles like kunai, fire bullets, water shark, being very VERY clearly far away from you after dodging and still hitting you if you walk up into their previous path, and many more. It isn't trivial complaining. It's arguably unplayable for most people.
The reason they can't be traded is because people could attend an event on multiple accounts and then give their main account all the coupons earned.
The thumbnail is all I need lmao
In all seriousness, if this is the reason, then why does a raid point spawn in the sparring area for rogues? Doggo would be much better than that stupid brick obelisk sitting there.
The bears are classic. You can't change them at this point. They are a great way for lowbies to learn the importance of cloak.
This is not acceptable. The puppy was left abandoned behind a log for so long and then is killed. Why? What purpose does killing the only wholesome thing in this village of Neanderthals serve? The puppy should've been freed long ago, so it could live out its life with all of us, receiving pats and treats. Please, give us our puppy back Ueda. I'll do whatever it takes. I'll make a summon scroll. I'll do anything. He deserved better than this.
Bald is especially important for people that don't want their hair showing through a hat. I'm not sure why we can't have nice things.
Fire is good for farming mobs. It's fairly tough to use solo against other players, but if you practice a lot it will get easier. Don't let people's inevitable trash talk get you down.
I would uninstall whatever version of nin online you have right now, then redownload it from the website.
I assume this is the 2v1 argument, basically. To a point, I can see how it is desirable to have a purely "1 entity vs 1 entity" fight. To judge one's strict ability vs another. I do not think that having the option of summoning affects this as drastically as most people assume. If it were the case that each player could start out with their summon, like Kiba and Akamaru in the anime, then yes I would lean on that being more of a 2v1 or 2v2. (And to be honest I think that is a pretty cool idea to try out regardless of this topic's point). However, I think the long cast requirement and chakra cost of summoning changes this massively. It is not a simple thing, to summon in the middle of a 1 on 1 fight in a closed map like the tournament maps or sparring arenas. You have to really pressure your opponent, force their distance, gauge their chakra, and keep track of their canceling abilities, all in order to have a chance at attempting to summon. This, if anything, adds MORE to the point of finding out which person is the better fighter. It gives them more to think about in the fight, and more to calculate, while keeping things still within the realms of a fair 1 on 1 duel. If you're able to cast summoning jutsu successfully, that only shows that you were able to outplay your opponent in that regard. It is still not a guaranteed win, by any means. I've seen many players die in 1v1s with their summons ALREADY out, not even having to summon them, and still lose. I've been the guy on both ends of that equation. I think it is very important to remember that getting your summon out really is a gamble, like casting self heal with medics. You are just a sitting duck. It is not by any means a guarantee, and could VERY easily get you in a much worse situation than you would've been if you never tried at all. This is a risk that players will have to accurately gauge in the heat of the moment if it's worth taking for the reward.
@Atrane Not for the foreseeable future. It is now just a place we can post our cool outfits with everyone.
There are a lot of clothing items that look like they should give the concealment buff, that don't. I just think, well, they should. Items such as the Kaku Protector and the wanderer scarves, for example, look like they should conceal you. There are probably others that I can't think of as well. This would only benefit the entire player base with zero downsides. We all get more mask options available to us, and will be able to customize our ninjas more without having to sacrifice another slot for a mask if we want concealment. There are a few outfits I enjoy that I have to sacrifice one part in order to be masked, even though there is already a part in the outfit that looks like it should clearly mask my identity. I'm sure many other players have experienced this, albeit small, dilemma. I know this isn't a dire issue, but it would be an appreciated update giving us all more mask options and more customizable outfits while masked, without having to really add anything (I assume at least. idk much about game development, this just appears like an easy thing to work on).
I recall Ueda saying that eventually the transformation will give you the name of the character you transformed into. So that part is coming soon probably. As for not being targetable when you transform into objects, I can almost get behind this. The only issue is that this can be heavily abused behind buildings or underneath trees. You will essentially be invisible. You will be unable to be seen, AND unable to be targeted. This is a little much in my opinion. I would suggest perhaps making your name go away entirely, both the health bar where it would show up top when targeted, and the ??? above your head when targeted, but leave the marker that is on you when targeted. In other words, the ONLY thing that would show up is the reticle, until the player moves or is hit by something. This will still be easy to spot, but will also fool some players occasionally as well. I think a lot of people would just casually not notice their reticle showing up on something 15 tiles away that is under a tree. I think this is the best solution, for it would make transforming into objects a fairly decent way to disguise yourself, while not being an unintentional pure invisibility.
"ye" Famous last words
If you're a mistie, you have an unfair advantage over anyone else because you have a pipe. Summons aren't consistent, correct. They can be very very useless for the person that summoned them. A risk you have to calculate if you want to use it or not. Some combos are broken with just 1 player. This isn't an argument. If a lightning earth user with a pipe hits with lightning cutter, the opponent can be stunned for life. Summons do not take away any skill involved any more than any other things take away skill. OP swords dealing 100 per melee don't take anything away, undodgable flicker combos don't take anything away, ungodly long stuns don't take anything away, running around waiting for subs to come back up doesn't take anything away. You have to be able to fight against many changing conditions in every fight, this just adds another one.
I have always wondered why summons are not allowed to be used in tournaments, and are generally frowned upon in every 1v1 situation in spars and even in danger zones. Here are a few reasons I've heard why they aren't allowed. - They are too strong - They offer an unfair advantage over players that don't have one - They are not easy to obtain These three reasons can be used to describe other things that ARE allowed in tournaments. Those being the end game weapons. Mainly the swords from Land of Iron and the hammer from Kraken. These are very strong, offer an unfair advantage over players that don't have them, and are not easy to obtain. In fact, I'd say they are exponentially more difficult to obtain than a summon. They obviously should NOT be banned from tournaments, just like summons. Players should be able to use the jutsu or weapons they are able to work so hard to learn or obtain. Now, there is one reason that I think may be the only one that makes sense. Not all villages have the same summons available, so it's not fair in that regard. Well, there's a glaring similarity with another thing in regards to that criticism. Hidden masteries. Leaf is the only village that can have gentle fist, does that make it unfair to use in tournaments? Mist ninja have access to a bubble pipe, which is arguably the best support tool for every single mastery. Should they be banned from tournaments? Of course not! The uniqueness of each village should be embraced, not discouraged. This goes with masteries, weapons, and should go with summons as well. I haven't heard any other arguments really besides these. I'd gladly discuss any other reason the GMs or players have for not wanting summons in tournaments. Thanks.