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Ronald last won the day on November 17 2022

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  1. Again, they expect you to team with friends and created the missions for a larger community, which unfortunately isn't the case right now. They expect you to team with your friends (even maxed level friends) to obtain those kills in the danger zones and war zones. A squad of 3 level 20s and a level 60 sensei is how the missions were percieved to be acomplished in an ideal scenario. Again, doable if the community was larger but as of right now isn't the case. I'm not arguing that what you're saying doesn't make sense, because you make great points if the missions were constructed for how the game is currently played by us the community. However, Rory and Hitspark designed these missions to be accomplished together and with a larger, more active community and that's they're reasoning behind why the missions are set up the way they are.
  2. Agreed, but I stand by what I said : They're set up for you to team with friends, or fellow ninja, to complete. However, that's not possible with how small the community is. Especially if you are playing in Mist which currently has the lowest population until our savior @Buggycomes to revive it.
  3. You're not accounting for the exp gained from farming. Also, they expect you to do it as a team. These are answers from Ueda on other posts on similar matters. In my opinion, missions such as these make sense if the community was larger and more active but sadly, for now, that is not the case.
  4. TOPH!.. I ain't got no Halloween Drip
  5. I'm up for this! Good luck all!
  6. Nin is more than a pvp game and cosmetics are meant to be just as the word describes, cosmetic. If gear had stats, everyone would use meta items and there would be no uniqueness to anyone's appearance. I disagree with this suggestion whole heartedly. I think you should really educate yourself on the kind of game Nin is meant to be before making a post like this. And if you are too lazy to research, I will sum it up for you as an MMORPG, not direct PVP. EDIT: Not to mention, if cosmetics gave stats that would mean Nin was a P2W environment, and no one wants that.