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Yano last won the day on February 28 2021

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  1. "you guys already have the staff" bruh what?! that staff is available to anyone and 2 if its about lore then leaf would have fan because if you know your "lore" Tenten used a Bashosen a THIRDLY you abuse bubble pipe with elemental jutsus yourself.. so ofc you'd be on the defense
  2. If its a sake of art design and RP.. and things like that I'd be willing to do all those things.. once I know that some Administrator is at least listening or open to new possibilities .
  3. can people without gentle fist mastery use pressure point technique or "THE FIST" as a weapon ? The state of people abusing hidden weapons will never change because the creator said that he doesnt want the weapons to be mastery locked..
  4. "there shouldnt be an even playing field" are you even hearing yourself?
  5. Im not calling leaf weak.. its just a state of balance in the game.. Id rather say lock the weapons to their masteries but Rory doesnt want the game that was so I SUGGESTED this option. When you look at it Sand and Mist both have an added attack in their arsenal no matter what that attack is if you dont see that as an advantage you need new glasses. I dont think that fan neither bubble needs a nerf.. just create a even playing field .
  6. wdym what about missings.. a missing sand has fan.. a missing mist has pipe
  7. I wasnt saying all six.. I gave an idea of 6 obviously youd pick one to add in game ._.
  8. I know this may have been talked about in the past.. and if it has been I want to bring it back up Whether or not people want to admit it.. leaf is a village that takes pure skill.. we don't have a aimbot Fan that snares every 2 secs.. or a Instant poisoning WATER PRISON pipe. We don't even have a stick to run at ninjas with or some kind of pebble to throw at them, literally NOTHING and I see it as a massive disadvantage especially with others villages orgs being people running with boomsticks and godzilla puppets but that's a topic for another day. : ) Enough Rambling.. lets start . Chakra Based Weaponry Chakra Blades: (Melee/Close-Mid Range) A sharp Knuckle Blade with the abilty to absorb the users chakra for added lethality, in the right hands this can be a very useful . Attack style: Sends out a wave of Chakra in a straight line(basically a downgraded hiramekarei), slicing them for bleed 1 DOT if critical . Range: 1-2 tiles Scaling: Chakra Dmg: Medium Attack Speed: Slow Requirements: Lvl 10, Leaf Village & 20 Chakra (inability to use taijustu jutsus while equipped) (Inability to use chk scalpels while equipped) Chakra Dagger: (Melee) A weak short dagger infused with users chakra to gain a slight boost in damage and a Major attack speed Attack Style: Basic sword attack.. but one handed Range: Basic attack range Scaling: Chakra Damage: Low Attack Speed: Very Fast Requirements: Lvl 10, Leaf Village & 20 Chakra (inability to use taijustu jutsus while equipped) (Inability to use chk scalpels while equipped) Intelligence Based Weaponry Rajin Blade: An electric energy sword that originally belonged to the Second Hokage, said to be the sword of the Thunder God. Attack Style: Sends out a wave of electric energy damaging and immobilizing the target for a very short duration Range: 1-2 tiles Scaling: Intelligence Damage: Very Low Attack Speed: Very Slow Requirements: Lvl 10, Leaf Village & 20 Chakra (inability to use taijustu jutsus while equipped) (Inability to use chk scalpels while equipped) Wooden Staff: Nobody knows what the Adamantine Staff does yet.. sooo I cant give a Description but basically a watered down version of whatever it is (inability to use taijustu jutsus while equipped) (Inability to use chk scalpels while equipped) Agility Based Weaponry Sōshūga: The “Twin Attacking Fangs” are a beautiful pair of nunchucks with handles carved to have the shape of a dragon head at its base. Attack style: slightly increases damage and extends melee range by 1 tile Range: 1 tile Scaling: Agility Damage: Medium Attack Speed: Normal Requirements: Lvl 10, Leaf Village & 20 Agility Flying Raijin Kunai: A specially crafted Kunai used by the Fourth Hokage and can be seen as the starting point for the Transportation Jutsu that he excelled at. Attack Style: throwable projectile, if the kunai hits a target it marks the target for 10 seconds.. during this time the user can choose to teleport to the target (ALT+Basic Attack Keybind) Range: Normal Throwable tool range Scaling: Agility (higher agility = lower cooldown) Damage: Little-No Damage Attack Speed: Instant throw and recall but Medium base cooldown Requirements: Lvl 10, Leaf Village & 20 Agility I don't know what's the plans for leaf and if the fact that it doesn't have a weapon is the way that the creator wants the game to be but I hope you take my thoughts into consideration . If you made it this far, Thank You & I appreciate it .
  9. Yano

    BI Timer

    Bringing this back cuz.. why not ?
  10. Yano

    BI Timer

    I think it would be dope to make resting in hospital beds/couches allow Battle Injuries to heal faster.. It would make hospitals more useful and kind of a hangout spot to recover after or before a battle .
  11. Well well well, something good came from 2020 after all.. keep up the good work .